(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5777) Interesting paragraph in the WG9 SC22 report

Van Snyder van.snyder
Mon Aug 1 01:28:43 EDT 2016

"3.2.1 Risks

"Unexpected technical comment at the SC 22 level has the potential to
delay the work of WG 9. WG 9 mitigates this risk by providing mechanisms
for full treatment of NB technical concerns at the RG and WG level.
Although we observe all requirements of the directives, we view SC 22
and JTC1 level balloting as approval of documents that have already been

"RG" is an abbreviation for "Rapporteur Group."  The US RG contributed
the draft of the 2012 Ada standard (ISO/IEC 8652).  I don't know whether
the US RG operates under the aegis of INCITS.

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