(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5700) [ukfortran] AW: coarray dummy arguments

Bill Long longb
Wed Apr 13 18:27:04 EDT 2016

I modified Reinhold?s example to be executable:

> cat test.f90
module modu
  INTEGER :: A[*]
  SYNC IMAGES ( [1,2] )
  IL = A                    ! (A)

  SYNC IMAGES ( [1,2] )
  IL = A
end module modu

program test
use modu
implicit none
INTEGER  ::  I[*] = 0
integer  ::  mype, IL = 0

mype = this_image()

if (mype == 1) then 
   I[2] = I[2] + 1
   SYNC IMAGES( [1,2] )
else if (mype == 2) then
   CALL S1(I, IL)
end if
print *, "image ", mype, "gets IL = ", IL
end program test

It seems to do what I would expect:

> ftn test.f90
> srun -n2 ./a.out
 image  1 gets IL =  0
 image  2 gets IL =  1


On Apr 6, 2016, at 6:47 AM, Bader, Reinhold <Reinhold.Bader at lrz.de> wrote:

> Hi Anton,
>> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: owner-sc22wg5 at open-std.org [mailto:owner-sc22wg5 at open-std.org] Im
>> Auftrag von Anton Shterenlikht
>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. April 2016 05:37
>> An: j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org; Bader, Reinhold <Reinhold.Bader at lrz.de>
>> Cc: sc22wg5 at open-std.org
>> Betreff: (SC22WG5.5700) [ukfortran] AW: (j3.2006) coarray dummy arguments
>> Hi Reinhold
>> Your example makes your point much clearer.
>> Still...
>>> Image 1:
>>> INTEGER  ::  I[*] = 0
>>> I[2] = I[2] + 1
>>> SYNC IMAGES( [1,2] )
>>> Image 2:
>>> CALL S1(I, IL)
>>> The current text in the standard causes the above to be non-conforming
>>> for two reasons:
>>> (1) the dummy argument A of procedure S1 is modified by a different
>>>    image, in violation of para 3+4. Since the ability to do
>>>    such modifications is part of the coarray design, further
>>>    exceptions need to be added to the above paragraphs. The
>>> exceptions
>> I think this code violates [195:3-4].
>> Variable I is defined on image 1 and used on image 2 in the same segment,
>> which is prohibited.
> The text in [195:3-4] does not say "used". It says "it shall not be referenced, defined, or become undefined
> 4 in a segment on another image unless the segments are ordered".  The suggested modifications ensure
> that passing it in as a dummy argument does not trigger any item in that list.
> (Note that even if you shift the code executed on image 1 to within S1, the procedure might be invoked on
> image 2 after the update has been performed, but before the SYNC has been completed, on image 1.)
> Cheers 
> Reinhold
>> "I" is used on image 2 as actual argument when calling subroutine S1. I believe
>> that to conform, SYNC IMAGES( [1,2] ) must appear before CALL S1(I, IL).
>> This seems to be related to the dummy variable issue you are addressing. When
>> you say that the ability to modify a dummy argument by a different image is part
>> of the coarray design, I'm not sure.
>> Anton
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Bill Long                                                                       longb at cray.com
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