(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5578) J3/16-257 interp letter ballot #34

John Reid John.Reid
Fri Oct 30 08:41:44 EDT 2015

Yes  No   Number    Title

-Y- --- F03/0042  IEEE funny values and Standard real generic intrinsic

-C- --- F08/0109  LOCK_TYPE and unlimited polymorphic

1. Edit for [6:7+].
Apart from the reference to 4.5.1, this edit has already been adopted in 
F08/124 and is scheduled for inclusion in Corr 4. I think it is better 
not to have the reference because no edit is proposed for 4.5.1. I 
therefore suggest deletion of this edit from this interp.

2. Edit for [127:18-19].
This paragraph was replaced in Corr 2 (F08/042). The edit here meets the 
objective of the edit in F08/042, so can be a replacement. I think a 
slightly bigger edit is need for grammatical reasons. I suggest:

[127:18-19], p4,
Instead of the edit in Corr. 2, make this change to the original text:
Change "If <allocate-object> is" -> "If an ALLOCATE statement has a 
SOURCE= specifier and an <allocate-object> that is".

-Y- --- F08/0145  Can initial-data-target be coindexed?

-Y- --- F08/0147  Is generic resolution of elemental assignment done
                   at runtime?
-C- --- F08/0148  Pointer subobject in structure constructor in
                   pure procedure

The edit makes the list item be

"(3) as the <expr> corresponding to a component, or that has a
pointer component at any level of component selection, with the POINTER 
attribute in a <structure-constructor>"

I think this is grammatically incorrect. It is certainly very hard to 
understand. I suggest this edit instead

[312:35 12.7p2 C1283(3)] Replace this list item by
"(3) as the <expr> corresponding to a component in a 
<structure-constructor> if the component has the POINTER attribute or 
has a pointer component at any level of component selection,"

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