(j3.2006) Abstract types, deferred bindings, generic bindings

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Fri Oct 2 20:12:59 EDT 2015

Consider such a module:

module :: M

  type, abstract :: A(rk)
    integer, kind :: RK
    procedure(s_d), deferred :: S_d
    procedure(s_s), deferred :: S_s
    generic :: S => s_d, s_s
  end type A

  type, extends(a) :: B
    procedure :: S_d => s_d_2
    procedure :: S_s => s_s_2
    generic :: S => s_d, s_s
  end type B

  abstract interface
    subroutine S_d ( X )
      integer, parameter :: RK = kind(0.0d0)
      class(a(rk)), intent(inout) :: X
    end subroutine S_d
    subroutine S_s ( X )
      integer, parameter :: RK = kind(0.0e0)
      class(a(rk)), intent(inout) :: X
    end subroutine S_s
  end interface


    subroutine S_d_2 ( X )
      integer, parameter :: RK = kind(0.0d0)
      class(b(rk)), intent(inout) :: X
    end subroutine S_d_2
    subroutine S_s_2 ( X )
      integer, parameter :: RK = kind(0.0e0)
      class(b(rk)), intent(inout) :: X
    end subroutine S_s_2

end module M

Is the "generic" statement allowed in both type definitions? (One of my
compilers says that's ambiguous.)

If not, should it be in the parent type, or each extension?

If it's only in the parent type, and I have a variable V of type (not
class) B, can I reference V%S?

If it's only in the extensions, and I have a variable W of class(a), can
I reference W%S?

I would have preferred that we hadn't required the interface-name on the
procedure statement with the deferred attribute if the binding-name is
the name of an accessible abstract interface, i.e., if C482 were instead

C482 (R452) If DEFERRED appears and <binding-name> is not the name of an
     abstract interface [or a procedure that has an explicit
     interface]?, <interface-name> shall appear.

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