(j3.2006) Parent component of extension of abstract type

Damian Rouson damian
Fri Nov 13 00:08:13 EST 2015

> On Nov 12, 2015, at 2:10 PM, Tom Clune <Thomas.L.Clune at nasa.gov> wrote:
> Sorry  - just realized that I misworded my final point.
> I meant to say it would be nice if one could invoke the non-deferred methods in an abstract parent.   

Unless, I?m misunderstanding the above sentence, this is already allowed.  In the code below, for example, I invoke a non-deferred type-bound procedure on an abstract parent at line 44 and also arguably at lines 18 and 46.

> But, the non-deferred methods might invoke a deferred method ?

This is a common practice at the heart of several OO design patterns. The Template Method pattern, for example, involves specifying the steps of an algorithm in a series of deferred bindings and then writing a non-deferred type-bound procedure that successively invokes the deferred bindings. The nondeferred_tbp subroutine below is essentially a degenerate template method with only one step in the algorithm it encapsulates.

The Cray, Intel, Portland Group, and GNU compilers all accept the code below so again I?m wondering what the constraint is and whether they?re accepting non-conforming code.  


  1 module parent_module
  2   implicit none
  3   type, abstract :: parent
  4   contains
  5     procedure(abstract_interface), deferred :: deferred_binding
  6     procedure :: nondeferred_tbp
  7   end type
  9   abstract interface
 10      subroutine abstract_interface(this)
 11        import parent
 12        class(parent) :: this
 13      end subroutine
 14   end interface
 15 contains
 16   subroutine nondeferred_tbp(this)
 17      class(parent) :: this
 18      call this%deferred_binding
 19   end subroutine
 20 end module
 22 module child_module
 23   use parent_module, only : parent
 24   implicit none
 25   type, extends(parent) :: child
 26   contains
 27     procedure :: deferred_binding => implementation
 28   end type
 29 contains
 30    subroutine implementation(this)
 31      class(child) :: this
 32      call this%nondeferred_tbp
 33    end subroutine
 34 end module
 36 program main
 37   use parent_module, only : parent
 38   use child_module, only : child
 39   implicit none
 40   class(parent), allocatable :: nothing
 41   type(child) :: thing
 42   allocate(nothing,source=thing)
 43   call nothing%deferred_binding
 44   call nothing%nondeferred_tbp
 45   call thing%deferred_binding
 46   call thing%nondeferred_tbp
 47 end program
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