(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5472) J3/15-159 - J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #33 - due 24-Apr-2015
Whitlock, Stan
Sun Mar 29 12:41:10 EDT 2015
To: J3 Members
From: Stan Whitlock
Subject: J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #33 - due 24-Apr-2015
Date: 2015 March 29
Enclosed in the next letter ballot on Fortran interpretations.
The rules for interpretation handling by which we operate say:
o J3 votes on the answer at a J3 meeting; a simple majority
vote marks the answer as "passed by J3 meeting".
o Between J3 meetings the chair of /interp sends a J3 letter
ballot to J3 to approve interp answers that have been "passed
by J3 meeting". The letter ballot runs for 30 days. An interp
answer passes by a 2/3rds vote; a no vote must be accompanied
by an explanation of the changes necessary to change the member's
vote to yes.
J3/interp reserves the right to recall an interp answer for
more study even if the answer passes.
12 Fortran interpretations are currently "Passed by J3 meeting" after
J3 meeting #206. This is the letter ballot phase to go from "Passed
by J3 meeting" to "Passed by J3 letter ballot".
The following Fortran interpretations are being balloted:
Yes No Number Title
--- --- F08/0126 Can cobounds be referenced in the same type
--- --- F08/0127 May an initial line begin with a semicolon?
--- --- F08/0128 Is recursive USE within a submodule permitted?
--- --- F08/0129 Is CLASS(type) required to refer to a prior type
--- --- F08/0130 Does coarray allocation sync even with stopped
--- --- F08/0131 Are the changes to C_LOC in the 2010 revision
--- --- F08/0132 Can a procedure pointer be declared with an
interface block?
--- --- F08/0133 Is unallocated actual associated with
nonallocatable dummy OK?
--- --- F08/0134 <stat-variable> in an image control statement
--- --- F08/0135 Vector subscripted actual makes VALUE dummy
--- --- F08/0136 Argument correspondence with VALUE and
--- --- F08/0137 Result of TRANSFER when MOLD is an array with
element size zero
The text of these interpretations is attached. Each interpretation
starts with a row of "-"s.
Please mark the above -Y- in the Yes column for "yes", -C- in the Yes
column for "yes with comment", or -N- in the No column for a "no"
answer {be sure to include your reasons with "no"} and send only the
above text {not this entire mail message} with any comments to
j3 at j3-fortran.org
by 11:59:59PM, PDT, Friday, 24-Apr-2015, in order to be counted.
Thanks /Stan
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