(j3.2006) J3: revisions for m205 minutes, m206 minutes, m206 USTAG minutes
Whitlock, Stan
Tue Mar 24 17:00:22 EDT 2015
There was a procedural problem with the minutes of J3 m206: it was not clear that Tom Clune and Mark LeAir were voting members of J3 at that meeting. That's because I did not make it clear in the m205 minutes that they were both attending as observers and would have "voting member" status at the next meeting.
Lynn Barra for INCITS helped me straighten it all out so that the actions taken at m206 were all legal. Updated versions of the J3 m205, J3 m206, and m206 USTAG minutes are attached. Each starts with a section describing corrections that were made.
Sorry for the mix-up /Stan
PS: Dan - please upload these files to the correct folders on the J3 web site. Thanks
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