(j3.2006) Are and correct?

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Thu Mar 12 00:54:49 EDT 2015

<<< says that if the variable and expression in an intrinsic
assignment are not conformable, the variable shall not be an allocatable
coarray or coindexed object.  Presumably, this is so that an intrinsic
assignment will not be an image control statement. and (8) only say the variable shall not be an allocatable
coarray.  Should an allocatable coindexed object also be prohibited?

I draw your attention to p2, which has requirements on coindexed objects.  The 
first and last bullet points cover p1(1) and p1(8) respectively, but the middle 
bullet point is something that is fine for a coarray but bad for a coindexed 

I don't know why p1(3) mentions coindexed objects - editorially I would have 
thought that either all the coindexed requirements should be in p2, or they 
should be in the relevant p1(N) items.  Since p2 middle must remain, moving the 
p1(3) one into p2 might be appropriate.

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo. 

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