(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5432) WG5 straw ballot 8 on Fortran 2008 interpretations

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Sun Jan 25 22:14:56 EST 2015

The following Fortran 2008 interpretations are being balloted:

Yes  No   Number     Title

-Y-  --- F08/0099   VOLATILE in specification expressions
-Y-  --- F08/0100   IMPORT statement and prior explicit declaration
-Y-  --- F08/0101   NAMELIST and multiple occurrences of a variable
-Y-  --- F08/0102   MERGE and polymorphism
-Y-  --- F08/0103   Pointers to internal procedures with different host
-Y-  --- F08/0104   IEEE Inquiry Functions
-Y-  --- F08/0106   MOVE_ALLOC for a remote array
-Y-  --- F08/0108   ultimate components and coarrays
-Y-  --- F08/0112   STAT= and ERRMSG= in ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE
-Y-  --- F08/0113   Specifiers in image control statements

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.

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