(j3.2006) Fwd: UPDATE: INCITS PL22, PL22.3, PL22.4, PL22.11, PL22.16 Participation Report of Members in Jeopardy for Non-Payment of Fees - January 2015

Dan Nagle dannagle
Fri Jan 23 16:40:24 EST 2015

FYI - Good News!

(I snipped the parts that don?t apply.)

> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: January 23, 2015 at 13:43:18 MST
> From: "Barra, Lynn" <lbarra at itic.org>
> Subject: UPDATE: INCITS PL22, PL22.3, PL22.4, PL22.11, PL22.16 Participation Report of Members in Jeopardy for Non-Payment of Fees - January 2015
> To: "Plum, Thomas" <tplum at plumhall.com>, "Nagle, Dan" <dannagle at verizon.net>, "Robert A Karlin (bobkarlin at karlinskorner.com)"	<bobkarlin at karlinskorner.com>, "john.parks at intel.com" <john.parks at intel.com>, "Nelson, Clark" <clark.nelson at intel.com>
> Cc: "Barra, Lynn" <lbarra at itic.org>
> From: Barra, Lynn 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:24 PM
> To: Plum, Thomas; Nagle, Dan; Robert A Karlin (bobkarlin at karlinskorner.com <mailto:bobkarlin at karlinskorner.com>); john.parks at intel.com <mailto:john.parks at intel.com>; Nelson, Clark
> Cc: Barra, Lynn
> Subject: INCITS PL22, PL22.3, PL22.4, PL22.11, PL22.16 Participation Report of Members in Jeopardy for Non-Payment of Fees - January 2015
> Dear Tom, Dan, Bob, John and Clark,
> As Chairs of INCITS/PL22, INCITS/PL22.3, INCITS/PL22.4, INCITS/PL22.11 and INCITS/PL22.16, this notification is provided to you regarding the members from your committee that received a final notice for non-payment of fees. The final reminders were emailed on January 1, 2015.  In addition, on January 15th, the Secretariat will call and email unpaid members to ascertain their participation plans for 2015 and remind them of the deadline.
> To date, the organizations below are in jeopardy of their memberships being cancelled if payment or a purchase order is not posted in our system byFebruary 1, 2015:
> PL22.3:
> ?         IBM ? IN PROCESS
> ?         JPL ? IN PROCESS
> ?         United States Dept of Energy ? PAID
> Any assistance or information you can provide would be appreciated.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> An organization that is deactivated may re-establish participation in accordance with the INCITS procedures, Section 3.7.2 and and by contacting the INCITS Secretariat.
> Technical committee and task group members are classified as voting or advisory (non-voting) members as noted below from the INCITS procedures:
>  <>Section
> An organization may be a member of a particular TC or a TG without regard to membership in any other IOE.
> Voting membership in TCs, TGs, and SGs is open to all directly and materially affected parties that meet attendance and voting requirements and pay the designated service fee(s). A representative of a prospective voting member shall initially attend a meeting of the TC, TG, or SG without voting privileges and reaffirm interest in the work of the TC, TG, or SG. Voting privileges become effective with attendance at one of the next two successive meetings and receipt by the Secretariat of the applicable fees for the membership year.
> For a new TC, TG, or SG, all attendees at the formation meeting or second meeting shall be considered voting members, subject to the rules in Section 3.8.2, Limits on Voting Membership.
> An organization with voting membership shall appoint one and only one principal representative and may appoint one or more alternate representatives. In order to comply with ANSI requirements, while all parties may participate in a discussion of U.S. positions, only those organizations which are a U.S. National Interested Party may vote to establish a U.S. position on TAG matters.
> Section
> All advisory memberships are non-voting memberships. Advisory members may attend meetings, speak, and submit contributions. Advisory members shall receive all electronically available documents, including meeting notices, draft agendas and minutes. Other documents are not required to be distributed to advisory members. 
> Any party that pays the designated service fee can be an advisory member of a TC, TG or SG; there are no Advisory Members of the Executive Board. A party with advisory membership shall appoint one and only one principal representative and may appoint one or more alternate representatives.


Dan Nagle

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