(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5453) [ukfortran] Response to TS ballot
Van Snyder
Fri Feb 20 22:10:15 EST 2015
Malcolm Cohen wrote:
> "INNERMOST" HAS NO MEANING in the case of executing
> code outside (but called from) a CHANGE TEAM construct. Innermost is a spacial
> term referring to the placement of statements and constructs *Lexically Within*
> other constructs. It is not a temporal term referring to the order of
> execution!
The Ada standard has this definition:
"If the execution of construct <a> is defined by this International
Standard to consist (in part) of the execution of construct <b>,
then while <b> is executing, the execution of <a> is said to
<dynamically enclose> the execution of <b>. The <innermost
dynamically enclosing> execution of a given execution is the
dynamically enclosing execution that started most recently."
Perhaps a similar definition would benefit us.
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