(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5447) [ukfortran] Response to TS ballot
Malcolm Cohen
Thu Feb 19 21:30:29 EST 2015
Two spectacular misses.
I wrote:
I note that in the case of executing code
outside (but called from) a CHANGE TEAM construct, "innermost" has no meaning.
To which you propose to make the edit:
[14:29] Replace "construct" by "innermost executing CHANGE TEAM
Innermost has a good meaning if you accepted my other recommendation, that this
effect be limited to code actually within a CHANGE TEAM construct, but you
rejected that.
So I have to repeat again, "INNERMOST" HAS NO MEANING in the case of executing
code outside (but called from) a CHANGE TEAM construct. Innermost is a spacial
term referring to the placement of statements and constructs *Lexically Within*
other constructs. It is not a temporal term referring to the order of
Perhaps you mean something like "active CHANGE TEAM construct that most recently
begun execution"? In which case, that is something like what you need to say.
There could well be MANY "innermost" CHANGE TEAM constructs being executed...
I further note that you went without my suggestion of "whose END TEAM statement
has a STAT= specifier". It seems pointless to transfer control to an END TEAM
statement without a STAT= specifier since that will immediately cause error
termination. If that is your intent, would it not be better to have error
termination immediately (at the erring code) rather than in the END TEAM
statement? (The user will thank you for not throwing away the info about where
the problem occurred!) If that is not your intent, well...
I wrote:
- The syntax is "FAIL IMAGE <stop-code>". I see no purpose in using the
<stop-code> BNF rule here.
You reply:
The <stop-code> BNF rule defines what the user can write.
...which is PRECISELY my complaint. WHY is the user being limited in this way?
Why on earth should this be required to be a constant expression? The
<stop-code> syntax is irregular and unnecessary. Just make it an expression of
type integer or character. Or even just type character (there is no "process
exit status" to be set here).
................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.
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