(j3.2006) Select Rank

Tom Clune Thomas.L.Clune
Tue Feb 17 22:15:32 EST 2015

On Feb 17, 2015, at 10:00 PM, Van Snyder <Van.Snyder at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

> On Tue, 2015-02-17 at 19:57 -0700, Dan Nagle wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> On Feb 17, 2015, at 17:37 , Van Snyder <Van.Snyder at JPL.NASA.GOV> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2015-02-17 at 23:27 +0000, Bill Long wrote:
>>>> Does it really solve an existing problem?
>>> This came up for me in a case involving an include file.
>> Once you?re using an include file, you?re half-way to using a preprocessor anyway.
> I'm using the Fortran INCLUDE line, not the cpp #include line.
>> Not that a better way, if available, shouldn?t be explored.

I guess I?m too used to working in an environment where I always invoke cpp in my Makefiles ? just in case.  (Fortunately, almost always as a flag to the compiler.)  As such, this sort of change is about as safe as one can imagine.

Even if you are not already using cpp, this seems to be the easier path forward with the available features.  Finding all the include?s is trivial.  You could even make the default __RANK__ have the legacy value, in which case you?d only need to set that value for the new case.  And you need to modify the code for the new case regardless.

Not saying this is perfect, but in the grand scheme of things, I wish more code changes were this simple/safe.


- Tom

>> --
>> Cheers!
>> Dan Nagle
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Thomas Clune, Ph. D. 				<Thomas.L.Clune at nasa.gov>
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