(j3.2006) Select Rank

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Sun Feb 15 21:21:26 EST 2015

SELECT RANK was proposed by Tobias on Feb 17, 2013 (See
http://mailman.j3-fortran.org/pipermail/j3/2013-February/006144.html and
14-189).  Its proposed syntax is consistent with what you have below.  Its
effect can be achieved via select case + block + c_f_pointer.  IIRC, it
was one of the candidate features discussed in the meeting where the
Fortran 2015 candidate features were considered.  It didn't make the final

IIRC, it did not make the final list partly because the version being considered 
had become overly complicated.  A simpler version *might* be worth considering. 
Or not.

>Its effect can be achieved via select case + block + c_f_pointer.

(1) Requiring BLOCK + C_LOC + a C_PTR temp + C_F_POINTER is pretty ugly.

(2) Even so, that only works in the case where the array is contiguous.  That 
rather ruins the general usability (it will fail mysteriously - and silently 
apart from the wrong answers and/or memory corruption).

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo. 

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