(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5630) Result of the WG5 straw ballot on draft Corrigendum 4

John Reid John.Reid
Thu Dec 24 06:12:25 EST 2015


The omission of 8 interpretions that were accepted by J3 at its August 
meeting from J3 and WG5 processing prior to the start of the WG5 straw 
ballot on draft Corrigendum 4 renders it void. The 8 interpretions are 
the subject of a current WG5 straw ballot and J3 ballot (see N2093).

The comments made in this ballot should nevertheless be taken into 
account when preparing a revised draft of Corrigendum 4. I have 
therefore prepared a draft result document that includes all the 
comments made on the draft corrigendum and this is attached. Please let 
me know as soon as possible of any omissions or errors.

I request /EDIT to take account of the these comments.

Best wishes,

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