(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5617) Interpretations straw ballot 11

Erik Kruyt erik
Sun Dec 20 15:53:56 EST 2015

The following Fortran 2008 interpretations are being balloted:


Yes  No   Number     Title                              

 C   --- F08/0128 Is recursive USE within a submodule permitted?

Y   --- F08/0138 Type extension in submodules

Y   --- F08/0139 Is the name of an external procedure that has a

                  binding label a local identifier?

Y   --- F08/0140 Assign to deferred-length coindexed character variable

Y   --- F08/0141 Can a statement function have a variable-length PDT


Y   --- F08/0142 Is useless module extension permitted?

C   --- F08/0143 May a pure procedure have an INTENT(OUT) polymorphic


C   --- F08/0144 Is nonadvancing I/O allowed during execution of DO







In the light of F08/0142 the examples are incorrect due to the augmented

Change the module in the first example to e.g.:

Module m1


    Module Subroutine mp1

    End Subroutine

  End Interface

  Real x

End Module


Change the module in the second example to e.g.:

Module m2


    Module Subroutine mp2

    End Subroutine

  End Interface

  Real, Private :: a

  Real, Protected :: b


End Module




I agree with Bill Long that this needs a clearer example which illustrates
the localness of the procedure name.




The example is in error.

Type(t), Intent(Out) x

should read

Type(t), Intent(Out) :: x




The first WRITE statement with ADVANCE= in the example is (already) not
conforming due to C922.

Change the list-directed format specification to an explicit one, e.g.

write ( *, '(I5)', advance='NO' ) I


Erik Kruyt



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