(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5581) J3/16-103
Whitlock, Stan
Thu Dec 3 22:48:40 EST 2015
To: J3 Members
From: Stan Whitlock
Subject: Results of the J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #34
Date: 2015 Dec 03
SW> Stan's comments below are marked with "SW>"
MJC Malcolm's replies are marked with MJC.
Here are the results of J3 letter ballot #34 on Fortran
interpretations that officially closed 20-Nov-2015. The ballot is
in J3 paper 16-101 for meeting #209. If I have transcribed a vote
or a comment incorrectly, please let me know.
J3 rep F03 F08 F08 F08 F08
/ interp 042 109 145 147 148
result of LB #34 Y A Y A A
Daniel Chen Y Y Y Y Y
Tom Clune Y Y Y Y Y
Malcolm Cohen C
Robert Corbett C Y Y C Y
Mark Leair Y Y Y Y Y
Bill Long Y Y Y Y Y
Toon Moene Y Y Y Y Y
Dan Nagle Y Y Y Y Y
John Reid Y C Y Y C
Van Snyder Y Y Y Y Y
Stan Whitlock Y Y Y Y Y
where Y means "yes"
C "yes with comment"
N "no with comment"
The comments for each interp are attached below in the same order as
the table above.
The interps marked "Y" pass with no change. The interps marked "A"
pass with some minor fixes, as noted below. The interps marked "N"
The edited interps in their final form are attached and will appear
in the next version 006.
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