(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5548) Interp straw ballot
Bill Long
Tue Aug 18 17:04:37 EDT 2015
The following Fortran 2008 interpretations are being balloted:
Yes No Number Title
-Y- --- F08/0105 Is the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute allowed with the
VALUE attribute?
-C- --- F08/0110 Interdependence of specifier values in input/output
-Y- --- F08/0115 ASYNCHRONOUS and argument passing
-Y- --- F08/0116 Interoperable procedures
-Y- --- F08/0117 TARGET and coindexed arguments
-Y- --- F08/0118 Subobject of variable in variable definition context
-Y- --- F08/0119 Branching to END BLOCK and END CRITICAL
-Y- --- F08/0120 Is the name of a procedure pointer a local identifier?
-Y- --- F08/0121 Add to introduction defined operations in specification
-C- --- F08/0122 Types with coarray components
-Y- --- F08/0123 SPACING intrinsic
-Y- --- F08/0124 Coindexed object with polymorphic subcomponent
-Y- --- F08/0126 Can cobounds be referenced in the same type
-Y- --- F08/0127 May an initial line begin with a semicolon?
-C- --- F08/0129 Is CLASS(type) required to refer to a prior type
-Y- --- F08/0130 Does coarray allocation sync even with stopped
-Y- --- F08/0131 Are the changes to C_LOC in the 2010 revision
-Y- --- F08/0132 Can a procedure pointer be declared with an
interface block?
-Y- --- F08/0133 Is unallocated actual associated with
nonallocatable dummy OK?
-Y- --- F08/0134 <stat-variable> in an image control statement
-Y- --- F08/0135 Vector subscripted actual makes VALUE dummy
-Y- --- F08/0136 Argument correspondence with VALUE and
-Y- --- F08/0137 Result of TRANSFER when MOLD is an array with
element size zero
F08/0110 - [Not in Edits] - Agree with Daniel Chen that "OPEN" should
be "OPENED" in the Answer 1.
F08/0122 - Agree with John Reid that the instruction part of the final
edit needs a verb, and agree with John's proposed change.
F08/0129 - Agree with John Reid that the edit citation should be
10-007r1:[52:6+] rather than 12-007:6+.
Bill Long longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support & voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9142
Cray Inc./ Cray Plaza, Suite 210/ 380 Jackson St./ St. Paul, MN 55101
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