(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5494) Result of the ballot on the draft TS
John Reid
Thu Apr 9 15:01:13 EDT 2015
John Reid wrote:
> WG5,
> Here is the draft result of the ballot on the TS. Have I recorded your
> vote correctly? Have I omitted it? It looks as if there may be a problem
> with the J3 server, so I have have omitted your vote please send it to
> me directly as well as to the server.
I am not sure what the problem was or even if it was with the J3 mail
server, but it seems to be resolved and I have received five more yes
votes. The revised draft result is attached. I have changed the
conclusion to "I request that the co-array email group, led by the
Editor Bill Long, consider all the comments and prepare a set of edits
as soon as possible." This is not intended to be the final conclusion. I
want to see if a set of edits can be agreed that satisfy most of those
commenting as well as those that voted with a straight "yes". Bill says
he has some time next week, so hopefully the final result will not be
"pending" for long.
Meanwhile, do tell me if you see any errors or omissions in my record of
your vote.
With best wishes,
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