(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5332) J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #31 revised - due 6-Oct-2014
Robert Corbett
Sun Oct 5 08:35:54 EDT 2014
Yes No Number Title
-Y- --- F08/0108 ultimate components and coarrays
--- -N- F08/0109 LOCK_TYPE and unlimited polymorphic
-Y- --- F08/0112 STAT= and ERRMSG= in ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE
-Y- --- F08/0113 Specifiers in image control statements
-C- --- F08/0114 Can LOCK_TYPE components have the POINTER attribute?
F08/0109 N
I accept Bill's reasons for rejecting this interpretation.
F08/0114 C
I find the text of the proposed edit difficult to read. I prefer
"C1302a A component that is of type LOCK_TYPE or that has a
nonallocatable direct component of type LOCK_TYPE
shall not have the POINTER attribute.".
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