(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5361) Straw vote on draft DTS

Tobias Burnus burnus
Sat Nov 8 15:18:23 EST 2014

John Reid wrote:
> I am starting a straw WG5 letter ballot now, N2035, with closing date 
> 8 December. The documents are attached and are also visible on LiveLink.

First, thanks for the work in the draft. One item I want to raise now 
before I forget it or it is passed 8 December:

The DTS does not address finalization of CO_BROADCAST and CO_REDUCE for 
derived types which have finalizers.

For CO_BROADCAST, simply adding a statement like the following should be 
sufficient and implementation wise, it should be simple as one can 
simply finalize it before the actual data transfer: In the description 
of "A" append: "On all images of the current team but on the image 
specified by SOURCE_IMAGE, A is finalized before it becomes defined."

For CO_REDUCE, the implementation will be more difficult; still, I 
believe it makes sense to require finalization. Possible wording: "If 
RESULT_IMAGE is not present, A is finalized and the computed value is 
assigned to A on all images in the current team. If RESULT_IMAGE is 
present, A is finalized and the computed value is assigned to A on image 
RESULT_IMAGE and A on all other images in the current team is finalized 
and becomes undefined."

This might need some refinement as also intermediate results ("tmp = 
operator(a,b)") have to be finalized at some point ? assuming that "A" 
is used for those ? and I am not sure whether that's already implied.


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