(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5361) Straw vote on draft DTS
John Reid
Sat Nov 8 13:10:55 EST 2014
Dear all,
Bill Long has prepared a new draft DTS, N2033, following the recent J3
meeting. He gives details of the changes made from the previous
draft, N2027, in N2034.
I am starting a straw WG5 letter ballot now, N2035, with closing date 8
December. The documents are attached and are also visible on LiveLink.
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Editor's report for WG5/N2033
Bill Long, 6 November 2014
Document WG5/N2033 was prepaired by applying edits to WG5/N2027 from
PL22.3 meeting 205 papers as well as additional edits. All of the
edits applied to WG5/N2027 are summarized below, grouped into three
parts. The citations refer to [page:line] locations in WG5/N2027
prefixed by the number of the paper (omitting the 14-) containing the
edit, or "Ed" in the case of additional edits. Corrections and
explanations for additional edits are noted in {Comments} following
the citations.
Part I consists of edits to WG5/N2027 based on the content of these
papers passed at PL22.3 meeting 205: 14-238r2, 14-250r2, 14-253r2,
14-254r1, 14-260, 14-261, 14-265, 14-266r1, 14-267r1, 14-273, and
14-274. Additional minor edits are intermixed in the list. The edits
are in page and line number order.
Part II consists of edits to WG5/N2027 for eight issues and
inconsistencies that became apparent after applying the Part I
edits. These changes are editorial repairs that do not make technical
Part III consists of edits to repair four minor technical defects in
WG5/N2027 as modified by edits from PL22.3 meeting 205 papers.
Part I: Edits to WG5/N2027 from M205 papers:
Edits for Introduction
274:[iv] Introduction paragraph 1, line 2: Delete "a set of".
274:[iv] paragraph 3, line 5: Delete "sets of".
Edits for Clauses 1 and 2
Edits for Clause 3 - Terms and definitions
250r2:[5:3+] Add
"3.0 <<active image>>
An image that has not failed, stalled, or initiated termination."
{Ed: "An" -> "an".}
274:[5:11+] Add
<established coarray>
coarray that is accessible within a CHANGE TEAM construct from outside
the construct (5.1)"
250r2:[5:31] Before "has not initiated" insert "is not a stalled image
or". {Ensure stalled and failed are distinct states.}
Ed:[5:30-32] Change definition of failed image to: "an image for which
references or definitions of a variable on the image fail when that
variable should be accessible; or an image that is not a stalled
image, is not a stopped image, and fails to respond during the
execution of an image control statement or a reference to a collective
subroutine (5.8)" {With the edit in 250r2, the definition has too many
instances of "or" making it hard to parse. Cleaned up version.}
250r2:[5:32+] Add
"3.4a <<stalled image>>
An image that has encountered an <image-selector> that identifies an
image that has failed and has not yet executed an END TEAM statement
that makes it active again (5.9)" {Ed: "An" -> "an".}
Edits for Clause 4 - Compatibility
Edits for Clause 5 - Teams of images
274:[9:4] Replace "have been" with "are".
274:[9:15] Replace "block" with "construct".
274:[10:13] Delete "the" before "type"
267r1:[10:14+] Add following constraint.
"C507a (R503) A <coselector-name> shall be the name of an accessible
274:[10:27] Change
"a coarray that does not appear in a <coarray-association>"
"a coarray that is not an associating entity".
274:[10:30] Delete the first "the".
274:[10:40] Delete "the" before "other".
273:[11:6-7] Replace "an ancestor of the current" with "the current or
an ancestor". {Ed: The edit line was adjusted from 6 to 6-7.}
274:[11:Note 5.3, line 1] Insert "image" after "Each".
274:[11:Note 5.3, line 6] Append ", ONLY: TEAM_TYPE".
274:[12:18] Replace "it shall be executed by the same statement" with
"the same statement shall be executed".
250r2:[12:22] Change "failed" to "failed or stalled".
Ed:[12:26] Insert "active" before "images".
{Missed edit to limit actions to active images. An inactive image
cannot execute a FORM TEAM statement.}
274:[13:5] After "image M" add "since execution last began in this
250r2:[13:23] Before "has not initiated" insert "is not a stalled
image or". {Ensure stalled and failed are distinct states.}
250r2:[13:25] Delete "unless ... paragraph".
250r2:[13:21-24] Move the two sentences "A failed image is one
... program execution." to a separate paragraph following the first
paragraph of 5.8.
Ed:[13:21-24] Change the first sentence describing a failed image to:
"A failed image is one for which references or definitions of a
variable on the image fail when that variable should be accessible; or
an image that is not a stalled image, is not a stopped image, and
fails to respond during the execution of an image control statement or
a reference to a collective subroutine." {With the edit in 250r2, the
definition has too many instances of "or" making it hard to
parse. Cleaned up version.}
250r2:[13:25-26] After "one nonzero status value" add "other than
{Make STAT_STALLED_IMAGE lowest, STAT_FAILED_IMAGE second lowest.}
250r2:[14:1] Change "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE is" to
250r2:[14:5-7] At line 6, change "is treated as a failed" to "becomes
a stalled". Then move this paragraph to a new section after NOTE 5.9
headed "5.9 STAT_STALLED_IMAGE".
274:[14:4] Replace "are" with "shall be".
266r1:[14:7] After "construct" (moved to the new 5.9 by paper
14-250r2) insert "after execution of all finalizations and
deallocations that would have occurred during the normal completion of
active procedures invoked within the CHANGE TEAM block, without
synchronization of coarray deallocations.
274:[14:Note 5.8, lines 3-4] Replace "may" with "might" because ISO
rules do not allow requirements or permissions in nonnormative text.
{Ed: two instances changed.}
250r2:[14:NOTE 5.8] Delete the last sentence of Note 5.8.
{Ed: This is a stalled image, and the note is for failed images.}
274:[14:7+] Delete the final sentence of NOTE 5.8: "An image
... reason."
{Ed: Duplicate of previous edit.}
253r2:[14:7+] Add a Note 5.10
"In addition to detecting that an image has failed by having the
variable in a STAT=specifier or a STAT argument of a call to a
collective or atomic subroutine assigned the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE,
an image can get the indices of failed images in a specified team by
invoking the intrinsic function FAILED_IMAGES."
250r2:[14:7+] At the beginning of the new subclause 5.9 insert a new
"If the processor has the ability to detect that an image has stalled,
the value of the default integer constant STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is
positive; otherwise the value of STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is
negative. STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is defined in the intrinsic module
ISO_FORTRAN_ENV. If the processor detects that an image involved in
execution of an image control statement or a collective subroutine has
stalled, the value of STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is assigned to the variable
specified in a STAT=specifier in an execution of an image control
statement, or the STAT argument in an invocation of a collective
procedure. If the STAT= specifier of an execution of a CHANGE TEAM,
FORM TEAM, SYNC ALL, SYNC IMAGES, or SYNC TEAM statement is assigned
the value STAT_STALLED_IMAGE, the intended action shall have taken
place for all the active images involved. If more than one nonzero
status value is valid for the execution of a statement, the status
variable is defined with a value other than STAT_STALLED_IMAGE."
Ed:[14:7+] Modify the edit above to move the second sentence
"STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is defined in the intrinsic module
ISO_FORTRAN_ENV." to the end of the paragraph. {Matches the style of
250r2:[14:7+] At the end of the paragraph moved from [14:5-7], add
"If an <image-selector> identifies an image that has failed and a team
that is the initial team, the executing image becomes a stalled
image for the rest of the execution of the program."
253r2:[14:7+] Add a Note 5.11 to the end of the new subclause 5.9: "In
addition to detecting that an image has stalled by having the variable
in a STAT=specifier or a STAT argument of a call to a collective
subroutine assigned the value STAT_STALLED_IMAGE, an image can get the
indices of stalled images in a specified team by invoking the
intrinsic function STALLED_IMAGES."
Edits for Clause 6 - Events
274:[15:13] Replace "INTEGER with KIND of ATOMIC_INT_KIND defined"
with "integer with kind ATOMIC_INT_KIND, where ATOMIC_INT_KIND is a
named constant". (compare with 7.4.1 ATOM argument description).
274:[15:28] Insert a blank before the left parenthesis.
274:[15:32] Delete "the" before "execution".
274:[16:6] Insert a blank before the left parenthesis.
274:[16:11] Replace "UNTIL_COUNT ... with" with "<scalar-int-expr> if
the UNTIL_COUNT specifier appears and <scalar-int-expr> has".
Edts for Clause 7 - Intrinsic procedures
250r2:[17:6] Before "STOPPED_IMAGES" add "STALLED_IMAGES,".
274:[17:19] Change "atomic memory operations" to "atomic actions".
Reason. This is the terminology that we are using, see earlier in this
265:[17:28] After "atomic subroutine" insert ", other than ATOMIC_REF,
". {Ed: Omitting the commas.}
265:[17:29] Delete "EVENT,". {Ed: Also deleted comma before EVENT.}
265:[17:31] Change "the argument" to "the STAT argument".
261:[17:32+] Delete NOTE 7.1
274:[17:Note 7.2, line 1] Replace "These properties" with "The
properties of atomic subroutines". {Ed: to avoid repetition, change
the immediately following "the use of atomic subroutines" to "their
250r2:Change every occurrence of "nonfailed" to "active", except
[18:2, 18:4, 18:6].
250r2:[18:2, 18:4, 18:6] Delete "nonfailed".
250r2:[18:18-19] Change "if no ... failed" to "if all images of the
current team are active".
250r2:[18:20]. Change "or STAT_FAILED_IMAGE" to ", STAT_FAILED_IMAGE,
250r2:[18:21-22] Replace by "Otherwise, if an image of the current
team has been detected as failed, the argument is assigned the value
of the constant STAT_FAILED_IMAGE. Otherwise, if an image of the
current team has been detected as stalled, the argument is assigned
the value of the constant STAT_STALLED_IMAGE."
Ed:[18:26] Replace "such" with "error". {Consistent with similar edit
at [29:11].}
274:[18:Note 7.3, line 1] Replace "in the event ... for" with "if an
error condition occurs during execution of".
Ed:[18:Note 7.3, line 1] Insert "subroutine" after
"collective". {Consistent with following edit.}
274:[18:Note 7.4, line 1] Replace "collectives" with "collective
274:[18:Note 7.5, line 1] Replace "procedure" with "subroutine".
274:[18:Note 7.5, line 2,5,6] Insert "subroutine" after "collective"
274:[19:6] Delete "and".
274:[19:10] Change "shall be a scalar and of type integer" to "shall
be an integer scalar".
274:[19:11] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[19:18] Delete "and".
274:[19:22] Change "shall be a scalar and of type integer" to "shall
be an integer scalar".
274:[19:23] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[19:25] Change "bitwise AND" to "atomic".
274:[19:30] Delete "and".
274:[19:37] Replace "scalar and" with "a scalar".
274:[19:38] Change "compare" to "atomic". {This reverses a rejection
in paper 274. The change makes wording more uniform.}
274:[19:39] Replace "scalar and" with "a scalar".
274:[19:40] Replace "scalar and" with "a scalar".
274:[20:1] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[20:4] Change "compare and swap" to "atomic".
274:[20:9] Delete "and".
274:[20:13] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[20:15] Change "add" to "atomic".
274:[20:16] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[20:19] Change "add" to "atomic".
274:[20:24] Delete "and".
274:[20:28] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[20:30] Change "bitwise AND" to "atomic".
274:[20:31] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[20:34] Change "bitwise AND" to "atomic".
274:[20:34] Insert "was" before "executed".
{Ed: Rejected edit. Introduces a style inconsistent with other atomics.}
274:[20:39] Delete "and".
274:[21:3] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[21:5] Change "bitwise OR" to "atomic".
274:[21:6] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[21:9] Change "bitwise OR" to "atomic".
274:[21:14] Delete "and".
274:[21:18] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[21:20] Change "bitwise exclusive OR" to "atomic".
274:[21:21] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[21:24] Change "bitwise exclusive OR" to "atomic".
274:[21:29] Delete "and".
274:[21:33] Replace "scalar and of type integer" with "an integer
274:[21:33] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
{Ed: Duplicate edit.}
274:[21:34] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[21:36] Change "bitwise OR" to "atomic".
274:[22:2] Delete "and".
274:[22:6] Change "shall be a scalar and of type integer" to "shall be
an integer scalar".
274:[22:6] Replace "scalar and of type integer" with "an integer
{Ed: Duplicate edit.}
274:[22:7] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[22:9] Change "bitwise exclusive OR" to "atomic".
238r2:[22:14] In the description of the argument A in CO_BROADCAST,
after the initial sentence ending "of the current team." insert a new
sentence: "It shall not be a coindexed object.".
274:[22:15-16] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[22:18] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[22:19] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[22:20] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[22:21] Change "shall be a scalar of type default character" to
"shall be a default character scalar".
238r2:[22:30] In the description of the argument A in CO_MAX, after
the second sentence ending "of the current team." insert a new
sentence: "It shall not be a coindexed object.".
274:[22:33] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[22:35] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[22:36(twice)] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[22:37] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[22:38] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[22:39] Change "shall be a scalar of type default character" to
"shall be a default character scalar".
274:[22:40] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[22:42] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
238r2:[23:10] In the description of the argument A in CO_MIN, after
the second sentence ending "of the current team." insert a new
sentence: "It shall not be a coindexed object.".
274:[23:12] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[23:15] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[23:16(twice)] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[23:17] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[23:18] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[23:19] Change "shall be a scalar of type default character" to
"shall be a default character scalar".
Ed:[23:20,22] More cases of "of the current" -> "in the current".
274:[23:31] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
238r2:[23:32] In the description of the argument A in CO_REDUCE, after
the second sentence ending "of the current team." insert a new
sentence: "It shall not be a coindexed object.".
274:[23:33] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[23:34] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[23:36] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
238r2:[23:37] After "two " insert "scalar, nonallocatable, nonpointer,
nonoptional ".
238r2:[23:39] After "polymorphic." insert a new sentence "If one
argument has the ASYNCHRONOUS, TARGET, or VALUE attribute, both shall
have the attribute."
274:[23:40] Replace "implement" with "be".
274:[23:40] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[23:41] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[23:42(twice)] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[23:43] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[24:1] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[24:2] Change "shall be a scalar of type default character" to
"shall be a default character scalar".
274:[24:3] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[24:5] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
238r2:[24:7-8] Change "execution of r = OPERATOR(x,y)" to "evaluation
of OPERATOR(x,y)" and "addition of r" to "addition of the value of
OPERATOR(x,y)". Typeset x and y in math font.
274:[24:18] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
238r2:[24:19] In the description of the argument A in CO_SUM, after
the second sentence ending "of the current team." insert a new
sentence: "It shall not be a coindexed object.".
274:[24:21(twice)] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[24:25] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar".
274:[24:26(twice)] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[24:27] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[24:28] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[24:29] Change "shall be a scalar of type default character" to
"shall be a default character scalar".
274:[24:30] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[24:32] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[24:37] Delete ", ERRMSG".
274:[24:41] Replace "scalar and" with "a scalar".
274:[24:41] Delete "and".
{Ed: Overridden by previous edit.}
274:[25:2] Replace "scalar and of type integer" with "an integer
251:[25:5] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
252:[25:6-8] Delete "ERRMSG ... of the argument."
274:[25:6] Replace "scalar of type default character" with "default
character scalar".
{Ed: Edit not done - edited text removed by previous edit.}
274:[25:20] Delete "the" before "type"
273:[25:21] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
274:[25:23] Delete "the" before "type"
274:[25:23] Insert "decimal" before "range".
260:[25:32] After "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE" insert "from the intrinsic
274:[25:32-33] Insert a comma after "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE" twice.
{Ed: First comma inserted after the added text from the above edit.}
274:[26:5] Replace "and" with "or".
274:[26:7] Delete "and".
274:[26:15] Append ", ONLY: TEAM_TYPE".
274:[26:22] Append ", ONLY: TEAM_TYPE".
273:[26:46] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
250r2:[27:3] After "failed," add "STAT_STALLED_IMAGE if the specified
image has stalled,".
250r2:[27:4-5]. Change "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE" to "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE,
250r2:[27:6+] Add
<<Description.>> Indices of stalled images.
<<Class.>> Transformational function.
TEAM (optional) shall be a scalar of the type TEAM_TYPE defined in
the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV intrinsic module. Its value shall represent an
ancestor team.
KIND (optional) shall be a scalar integer constant expression. Its
value shall be the value of a kind type parameter for the type
INTEGER. The range for integers of this kind shall be at least as
large as for default integer.
<<Result Characteristics.>> Integer. If KIND is present, the kind type
parameter is that specified by the value of KIND; otherwise, the kind
type parameter is that of default integer type. The result is an array
of rank one whose size is equal to the number of images in the
specified team that are known by the invoking image to have stalled.
<<Result Value.>> If TEAM is present, its value specifies the team;
otherwise, the team specified is the current team. The elements of the
result are the values of the image indices of the known stalled images
in the specified team, in numerically increasing order.
<<Examples.>> If image 3 is the only stalled image in the current team,
STALLED_IMAGES() has the value [3]. If there are no images in the
current team that are known by the invoking image to have stalled,
STALLED_IMAGES() is a zero-sized array.
273:[27:6+] In the new STALLED_IMAGES intrinsic, in the TEAM argument
description, Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
Ed:[27:6+] Make the changes in edits for [27:14] in the corresponding
places in the new STALLED_IMAGES intrinsic text.
273:[27:12] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
274:[27:14] Insert "decimal" before "range".
274:[27:14] Delete "the" before "type"
260:[27:22] After "STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE" insert "from the intrinsic
274:[27:24] Replace "image in the set of" with "of the".
274:[27:32] Delete "the" before "type"
273:[27:33] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
274:[28:20] Delete "the" before "type"
273:[28:21] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
{Ed: The original citation of [27:21] had the wrong page number.}
Ed:[28:22] Change "positive scalar integer" to "positive integer
scalar". {Match convention of "scalar" last.}
250r2:[28:26] Change "failed" to "failed or stalled".
274:[28:28] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four".
274:[28:29] Replace "scalar of type default character" with "default
character scalar".
250r2:[29:3] After ISO_FORTRAN_ENV add "; otherwise, if a stalled
image is detected and execution is otherwise successful, the STAT=
specifier is assigned the value STAT_STALLED_IMAGE in the intrinsic
274:[29:4] Insert "of the named constant" before "STAT_-".
250r2:[29:7]. Change "or STAT_FAILED_IMAGE" to ", STAT_FAILED_IMAGE,
250r2:[29:9] Change "failed" to "failed or stalled".
274:[29:11] Replace "such" with "error".
254r1:[29:13-14] Delete "the optional argument FAILED".
{Ed: Also deleted "and" following "FAILED" and "additional" following
"two". Don't need "additional" if have "adding" two words
earlier. Finally, change "any" to "either" near end of the sentence -
there are only two additions now.}
274:[29:16] Delete "the" before "type"
273:[29:17] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
Ed:[29:18] Change "positive scalar integer" to "positive integer
scalar". {Match convention of "scalar" last.}
274:[29:19] Delete "the" before "execution".
254r1:[29:20-22] Delete paragraph.
274:[29:22] Replace the comma with a semicolon.
{Ed: Not done. Text deleted by above edit.}
274:[29:27] Delete "the" before "type"
Edits for Clause 8 - Required editorial changes to [Fortran 2008]
274:[31:19] Delete "powerful". Belongs in a sales brochure.
274:[31:21] Delete "tagged" (the term is not defined anywhere).
Ed:[31:23] Change "have failed" to "have stalled or failed". {Missing
edit for stalled images.}
274:[31:33+] Copy the definition of "established coarray" here, with
heading 1.3.68a. {Ed: Missing edit.}
Ed:[32:1-] Move term "active image" here as 1.3.83a.
Ed:[32:1] Change 1.3.85a to 1.3.83b so that failed image is a subclass
of image.
250r2:[32:4] Before "has not initiated" insert "is not a stalled image
or". {Ensure stalled and failed are distinct states.}
Ed:[32:3-5] Change definition of failed image to:
"an image for which references or definitions of a variable on the
image fail when that variable should be accessible; or an image that
is not a stalled image, is not a stopped image, and fails to respond
during the execution of an image control statement or a reference to a
collective subroutine (5.8)"
{With the edit in 250r2, the definition has too many instances of "or"
making it hard to parse. Cleaned up version.}
250r2:[32:5+] Add
<<stalled image>>
An image that has encountered an <image-selector> that identifies an
image that has failed and has not yet executed an END TEAM statement
that makes it active again." {Ed: "An" -> "an". Change subclause
number to be a subclass of "image" -> 1.3.83c}
274:[32:38] Replace "of" with "in".
274:[32:39] Replace "of" with "in".
274:[33:2] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[33:5] Insert "being" (with underwave) before "defined".
Ed:[33:7] Change "of a team" to "in a team". {Consistent wording for
images in a team.}
274:[33:8] Delete the space between "LOCK_TYPE" and the comma.
274:[33:18] Insert a comma before "or" twice. {Ed: First comma not
added. The "if either appears" includes both the team variable and
Ed:[33:23] Insert "\uwave{active}" after "every". {Missing edit for
limiting execution to active images.}
274:[34:4] Insert "in the current team" after "images".
274:[34:5] Insert "of the named constant" before "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE".
274:[34:12] Replace "value of" with "values of the named constants".
250r2:[34:6] After "(13.8.2)" add "{\ul ; otherwise, if a stalled
image is detected and execution is otherwise successful, the STAT=
specifier is assigned the value STAT_STALLED_IMAGE in the intrinsic
274:[34:10] Insert "named" before "constant".
250r2:[34:12-13]. Change "or STAT_FAILED_IMAGE" to ",
250r2:[34:17] Change "failed" to "failed or stalled".
274:[34:24] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
274:[34:25] Replace "of the current" with "in the current".
251:[35:13] Replace "image \uwave{in the team}" with "image \uwave{in
the current team}, and replace "as many times as has image M" by "as
many times as has image M {\uwave since execution last began in this
274:[35:16] Change "3" to "4".
274;[35:21+] Add para:
"Execution of a SYNC IMAGES statement performs a synchronization of
the image with each of the other \uwave{active} images in the
<image-set>. Executions of SYNC IMAGES statements on images M and T
correspond if the number of times image M has executed a SYNC IMAGES
statement \uwave{in the current team} with T in its image set
\uwave{since execution last began in this team} is the same as the
number of times image T has executed a SYNC IMAGES statement \uwave{in
the current team} with M in its image set \uwave{since execution last
began in this team}. The segments that executed before the SYNC IMAGES
statement on either image precede the segments that execute after the
corresponding SYNC IMAGES statement on the other image."
274:[35:28] Insert "of the named constant" before "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE".
{Ed: Similar modification to the edit at [35:29].}
250r2:[35:29] After "(13.8.2)" add "; otherwise, if a stalled image is
detected and execution is otherwise successful, the STAT= specifier
is assigned the value STAT_STALLED_IMAGE in the intrinsic module
274:[35:32] Insert "value of the named" before "constant".
274:[35:35] Replace "value of" with "values of the named constants".
250r2:[35:35]. Change "or STAT_FAILED_IMAGE" to
274:[35:39] Delete "argument" (statements don't have arguments).
267r1:[35:40] Change "is that specified as its <image-set>" to "is the
union of its <image-set> and the executing image".
267r1:[35:40] Change "The image" to "The images".
267r1:[35:41] Change "statement is that" to "statement are the one".
{Ed: Changed "one" to "ones".}
267r1:[35:41] At the end of "local variable is located", append the
following: "and the executing image".
267r1:[35:42] Change "The image" to "The images".
267r1:[35:42] Change "statement is that" to "statement are the one".
{Ed: Changed "one" to "ones".}
267r1:[35:43] At the end of "event variable is located", append the
following: "and the executing image".
250r2:[36:1, 36:2, 36:9] Change "failed" to "failed or stalled".
274:[36:18] Replace "of" with "in".
Ed:[36:24] Delete "and 7.2". {One of the notes was deleted.}
Ed:[36:26] Change "NOTES" to "NOTE". {Only one note remains in the
250r2:[37:1-] Before the line for STOPPED_IMAGES add
STALLED_IMAGES ([TEAM, KIND]) T Indices of stalled images
274:[37:1-] In the entry for EVENT QUERY, Delete ", ERRMSG".
Reason. None of the other atomic subroutines have an ERRMSG argument.
274:[37 in the list of new entries for the table in 13.5, for
EVENT_QUERY] Insert "variable" after "event".
254r1:[37:3+] In the entry for NUM_IMAGES, delete "[FAILED]" thrice.
Ed:[37:5] Change "7.4.20" to "7.4.21". {Added STALLED_IMAGES
Ed:[38:4] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal range of at least four". {Overlooked
edit. Make consistent with the other STAT arguments to atomics.}
Ed:[38:8] Change "shall be a scalar of type integer" to "shall be an
integer scalar with a decimal range of at least four". {Overlooked
edit. Make consistent with the other STAT arguments to atomics.}
274:[38:18] Delete "the" before "type"
273:[38:19] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
Ed:[38:20] Change "positive scalar integer" to "positive integer
scalar". {Match convention of "scalar" last.}
274:[38:29] Change "shall be a scalar of type default integer" to
"shall be a default integer scalar".
{Ed: Changed to match the other STAT variables.}
274:[38:30] Replace "scalar of type default character" with "default
character scalar".
254r1:[39:1-2] Delete "[FAILED]" thrice. {Ed: also delete comma in 2
274:[39:5] Delete "the" before "type"
273:[39:6] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
Ed:[39:7] Change "positive scalar integer" to "positive integer
scalar". {Match convention of "scalar" last.}
254r1:[39:9-10] Delete paragraph for FAILED.
254r1:[39:14-16] Delete paragraph for FAILED. {Ed: This deleted too
much - the result value no longer says that num_images returns the
number of images. Kept "The result is the number of images in the
specified team."}
274:[39:23] Delete "the" before "type"
273:[39:24] Replace "an ancestor" with "the current or an ancestor".
250r2:[40:15+] Add a new edit:
"In 13.8.2 The ISO FORTRAN ENV intrinsic module, insert a new
subclause consisting of subclause 5.8 STAT_STALLED_IMAGE of
this Technical Specification, but omitting the second sentence of the
first paragraph." {Ed: Change 5.8 to 5.9 - that's the
253r2:[40:15+] Add
"{In STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE, edit the paragraph as follows.}
The value of the default integer scalar constant STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE is
assigned to the variable specified in a STAT= specifier (6.7.4, 8.5.7)
\uwave{or a STAT argument in a call to a collective subroutine} if
execution of the statement with that specifier or argument requires
synchronization with an image that has initiated termination of
execution. This value shall be positive \sout{and different from the
253r2:[40:15+] Add
"{In STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE, insert a new Note after
paragraph 1}
"In addition to detecting that an image has initiated normal
termination by having the variable in a STAT=specifier or a STAT
argument of a call to a collective subroutine assigned the value
STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE, an image can get the indices of the images that
have initiated normal termination in a specified team by invoking the
intrinsic function STOPPED_IMAGES."
250r2:[40:21] Before "STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE" insert "STAT_STALLED_IMAGE,
". {Insert STAT_STALLED_IMAGE in the list of constants with distinct
Ed:[40:36] Change "{At the end" to "{In 16.6.7, at the end" and delete
"in 6.6.7" later in the line. {Use consistent style for editing
274:[41:11] Add subclause number " (" after "to fail".
274:[41:12] Add subclause number " (8.4a)" after "is made available".
274:[41:13] Add subclause number " (13.7.42e)" after "CO_SUM intrinsic
274:[41:14] Add subclause number " (13.7.42d)" after "CO_REDUCE
intrinsic subroutine".
274:[41:15] Add subclause number " (8.5.2a)" after "with each other".
274:[41:16] Add subclause number " (8.5.2c)" after "without a
NEW_INDEX= specifier".
{Ed: Fixed typo in exit instructions.}
Edits to Annex A - Extended notes
Ed:[43:9] After "ISO_FORTRAN_ENV" insert ", ONLY: TEAM_TYPE". {Make
style consistent with program example changes in Note 5.3 and at
[26:15] and [26:22].}
Ed:[44:6] After "ISO_FORTRAN_ENV" insert ", ONLY: team_type,
STAT_FAILED_IMAGE". {Make style consistent with program example
changes in Note 5.3 and at [26:15] and [26:22].}
Part II: Additional edits to N2027:
1) Global edit: Change "the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV intrinsic module" to "the
intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV". Thirteen instances changed.
{The TS document has multiple instances of "the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV
intrinsic module" and also "the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV",
leading to style inconsistency. The second form is used in the base
Fortran standard. The exception is as the title of 13.8.2.}
2) Add a definition of "stopped image" in clause 3 and 8.3.
"stopped image
an image that has initiated normal termination"
{We have intrinsics for FAILED_IMAGES (7.4.16), STALLED_IMAGES
(7.4.19), and STOPPED_IMAGES (7.4.20). But terms for only failed
images and stalled images. This seems not symmetric. Also,
"stopped image" is a simpler fit in several locations elsewhere in
the text.}
3) At [19:13] change "to its previous value plus 42" to "defined with
the value 46 if the value of I[3] was 4 when the atomic operation
{The wording style for the example in ATOMIC_ADD did not match the
style in other atomic subroutines. Also the word "previous" was
too vague.}
4) At [25:36] change "failed image in the current team" to "image in
the current team that is known by the invoking image to have
{Use wording like that of the sentence that follows, and in the
Result Value text.}
5) [27:6+] In the new STALLED_IMAGES function, make the same change as
the edit (4) above, except replace "failed" by "stalled".
{Use wording like that of the sentence that follows, and in the
Result Value text.}
6) At [29:24] in 7.5.5 THIS_IMAGE, change "THIS_IMAGE( )" to
{All of the forms of THIS_IMAGE are getting the optional TEAM
argument, not just the form that has no argument in F2008.}
7) At [33:8-9] Delete this edit.
{The current text allows for the direct accessing of remote data in
the current team. The new syntax allows for accessing all the
images through the initial team, so this limitation is misleading.}
8) At [32:35+] following the edit for 2.3.4, insert a new edit:
"{After 2.3.5 Execution sequence, insert a new subclause
"2.3.6 Image execution states" consisting of five paragraphs, with
the third paragraph consisting of the second paragraph and Note 5.8
of 5.8 STAT_FAILED_IMAGE of this Technical Specification, the
fourth and fifth paragraphs consisting of the second and third
paragraphs of 5.9 STAT_STALLED_IMAGE of this Technical
Specification, and the first and second paragraphs as follows.}
A stopped image is an image that has initiated termination of
An active image is an image that is not a failed image, a stalled
image, or a stopped image."
At [40:13-14] In the edit moving 5.8 STAT_FAILED_IMAGE, change
"consisting of subclause 5.8" to "consisting of the first paragraph
and Notes 5.9 and 5.10 of subclause 5.8".
In the 150r2:[40:15+] in Part I, in the edit moving 5.9
STAT_STALLED_IMAGE, change "consisting of subcaluse 5.9" to
"consisting of the first paragraph and Note of subcaluse 5.9", and
change "second" to "final".
{The current subclause 8.9 edits to move the descriptions of
including moving the paragraphs defining a failed image and stalled
image to 13.8.2.x. These definitions belong in 2.3.x of F2015,
where we discuss images and program execution. The edits here move
these definitions to a new 2.3.6 and omit them from the text moved
to 13.8.2.x.}
Part III: Technical corrections to N2027:
1) At [16:7] change "UNTIL_COUNT = <scalar-int-expr>" to
"<until-spec>", add a new rule "R604a <until-spec> <<is>>
UNTIL_COUNT = <scalar-int-expr" and add a constrint "C605a (R603)
An <until-spec> shall not appear more than once in an
{Overlooked constraint. Multiple UNTIL_COUNT= specifiers in the
same EVENT WAIT statement are not reasonable and should be
2) The TEAM_ID function and the modifications to IMAGE_INDEX and
NUM_IMAGES do not account for the possibility that the optional
TEAM argument represents the initial team. A team_id value is
associated with execution of FORM TEAM. There is no concept of the
"team id" in the initial team. There are two alternatives for a
a) Require that the specified team is not the initial team.
b) If the specified team is the initial team, then TEAM_ID( )
result value is -1 (indicating an invalid value), and the
TEAM_ID arguments to IMAGE_INDEX and NUM_IMAGES are ignored if
they are present.
Alternative (b) seems more friendly to programmers, so edits are
added to implement that option.
[27:35-37] In 7.4.20 TEAM_ID replace the Result Value description
with: "If TEAM is present its value specifies the team; otherwise,
the team specified is the current team. If the specified team is
the initial team, the result is -1; otherwise, the result value is
the team identifier of the invoking image in the specified team."
[28:22] In 7.5.2 IMAGE_INDEX, para 3, change "Its value shall be"
to "If the current team is the initial team, its value is
ignored. Otherwise, its value shall be".
[29:18] In 7.5.4 NUM_IMAGES, para 3, change "Its value shall be" to
"If the current team is the initial team, its value is
ignored. Otherwise, its value shall be".
[38:20] In the TEAM_ID argument edits for IMAGE_INDEX, change "Its
value shall be" to "If the current team is the initial team, its
value is ignored. Otherwise, its value shall be".
[38:22] Delete "or TEAM_ID". {The TEAM_ID argument does not specify
a team.}
[39:7] In the TEAM_ID argument edits for NUM_IMAGES, change "Its
value shall be" to "If the current team is the initial team, its
value is ignored. Otherwise, its value shall be".
[39:13] Delete "or TEAM_ID". {The TEAM_ID argument does not specify
a team. Also move this paragraph to be part of the argument
description, not part of the result value.
3) In 7.5.5 THIS_IMAGE, the second sentence of para 2 says of the TEAM
argument "It shall not be a coarray." This is obsolete, and should
have been the same as the corresponding text in 7.5.4 for
NUM_IMAGES. The same TEAM argument would usually be used for both
functions and should have the same requirements.
[29:28] Change "It shall be a coarray." to "Its value shall
represent the current or an ancestor team."
[39:24] Delete "It shall be a coarray."
4) Subclause STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE of 14-007r2, says that if an
image involved in a collective activity has stopped, then the
status variable is assigned STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE. The 5.8 of N2027
says that if a failed image is detected, STAT_FAILED_IMAGE is
assigned to the status variable. Since multiple images would
normally be involved with the collective activity, it is possible
for that set to include both a stopped image and a failed image.
This situation would make the requirements on the value of the
status variable contradictory. This is a defect in 5.8, as there
was no intention to change the priority implied in The
new TS text 5.9 for stalled images has the same defect. The
intention is that when there are multiple valid options for the
status value, the first in the following list is selected:
STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE, any valid value not in this list,
STAT_FAILED_IMAGE, and lastly, STAT_STALLED_IMAGE. The wording in
TS subclauses 5.8 and 5.9 is fixed to correct the defects, and the
sentences rearranged to bring related sentences closer together. As
a side effect, the edits for moving the text to the base standard
are simplified.
[13:14-14:4] In the second sentence, after "and does so," insert "
and no error condition other than a failed image or a stalled image
is detected,", and rearrange the sentences and paragraph breaks to
that it reads as follows:
If the processor has the ability to detect that an image has
failed, the value of the default integer scalar constant
STAT_FAILED_IMAGE is positive; otherwise, the value of
STAT_FAILED_IMAGE is negative. If the processor has the ability
to detect that an image involved in execution of an image
control statement or a collective or atomic subroutine has
failed and does so, and no error condition other than a failed
image or a stalled image is detected, the value of
STAT_FAILED_IMAGE is assigned to the variable specified in a
STAT=specifier in an execution of an image control statement, or
the STAT argument in an invocation of a collective or atomic
procedure. If more than one nonzero status value other than
STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is valid for the execution of a statement,
the status variable is defined with a value other than
STAT_FAILED_IMAGE. If the STAT= specifier of an execution of a
TEAM statement is assigned the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE, the
intended action shall have taken place for all the active images
STAT_FAILED_IMAGE is defined in the intrinsic module
ISO_FORTRAN_ENV. The values of the named constants
and STAT_UNLOCKED shall be distinct.
A failed image is one for which references or definitions of a
variable on the image fail when that variable should be
accessible; or an image that is not a stalled image, is not a
stopped image, and fails to respond during the execution of an
image control statement or a reference to a collective
subroutine. A failed image remains failed for the remainder of
the program execution. The conditions that cause an image to
fail are processor dependent.
[40:14-15] In the instructions for moving 5.8 to clause 13 of the
base standard, delete ", but omitting the final two sentences of
the first paragraph". {Those sentences are now a separate
[14:5-7] In the new 5.9 text for STAT_STALLED_IMAGE, after "and
does so," insert " and no error condition is detected,", and
rearrange the sentences and paragraph breaks to that it reads as
If the processor has the ability to detect that an image has
stalled, the value of the default integer constant
STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is positive; otherwise the value of
STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is negative. If the processor detects that
an image involved in execution of an image control statement or
a collective subroutine has stalled, and no other error
condition is detected, the value of STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is
assigned to the variable specified in a STAT=specifier in an
execution of an image control statement, or the STAT argument in
an invocation of a collective procedure. If more than one
nonzero status value is valid for the execution of a statement,
the status variable is defined with a value other than
STAT_STALLED_IMAGE. If the STAT= specifier of an execution of a
statement is assigned the value STAT_STALLED_IMAGE, the intended
action shall have taken place for all the active images
STAT_STALLED_IMAGE is defined in the intrinsic module
If an \si{image-selector} identifies an image that has failed
and a team other than the initial team, the executing image
becomes a stalled image for the rest of the execution of the
corresponding CHANGE TEAM block. The executing image shall
transfer control to the END TEAM statement of the construct
after execution of all finalizations and deallocations that
would have occurred during the normal completion of active
procedures invoked within the CHANGE TEAM block, without
synchronization of coarray deallocations.
If an \si{image-selector} identifies an image that has failed
and a team that is the initial team, the executing image becomes
a stalled image for the rest of the execution of the program.
[40:17] In the instructions for moving 5.9 to clause 13 of the base
standard, delete ", but omitting the final sentence of the first
paragraph". {That sentence is now a separate paragraph.}
-------------- next part --------------
WG5 straw ballot on N2033
John Reid, 8 November 2014
This is a WG5 straw ballot on N2033, the sixth draft DTS for
TS 18508, Additional Parallel Features in Fortran.
N2033 was prepared by the editor, Bill Long, following the
recent meeting of J3. Details of the changes made from the previous
draft, N2027, are given in N2034.
Please answer the following question "Is N2033 ready for forwarding to
SC22 as the DTS?" in one of these ways.
1) Yes.
2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
3) No, for the following reasons.
4) Abstain.
This is an individual vote. Please send your vote to sc22wg5 at open-std.org
to arrive by 9 a.m. (UK time) on 8 December 2014.
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