(j3.2006) Constraint C835: SELECT TYPE selector must be a namedvariable
Malcolm Cohen
Fri Nov 7 01:14:49 EST 2014
Damian asks (in a message I only just received due to technical reasons):
Could someone tell me the motivation for the following constraint on ?select
type? selectors in the Fortran 2008 standard?
C835 (R847) If selector is not a named variable, associate-name => shall appear.
Because we want the associate name to be a name...
Basically, the fundamental syntax is
SELECT TYPE (associate-name => selector)
it is just that it is convenient to be able to leave the "associate-name =>"
part out when you have a simple polymorphic variable name, so when the selector
is a named variable, we allow you to leave it out. Thus
SELECT TYPE(polyvar)
is short for
SELECT TYPE( polyvar => polyvar )
Could we have made SELECT TYPE work without that? Sure, but it would be more
complicated, and more (perhaps much more) work to implement.
For example, consider
CLASS(basetype),POINTER :: ptr
TYPE(t) a(100)
I = 1
J = 1
SELECT TYPE (a(i)%ptr)
TYPE IS (sometype)
do something with A(I)%ptr
do something with A(I*1)%ptr
do something with A(J)%ptr
what is the declared type of those three things? The only possible answer would
have to be the first one being sometype but the second and third being basetype,
but this seems weird since I and J have the same value, and obviously I*1 has
the same value as I, but... and what if you nest them and I is now a different
variable I and not the outer variable I?
We really don't want to have to answer questions like that. And we really don't
want to make the compilers do complicated pattern-matching. And (IMO) it looks
really confusing to the reader too.
................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.
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