(j3.2006) J3/13-361 minutes to meeting #202 14-18-Oct-2014 in Las Vegas
Van Snyder
Wed Jan 22 15:46:20 EST 2014
On Wed, 2014-01-22 at 18:19 +0000, Whitlock, Stan wrote:
> Attached please find the minutes to J3 meeting #202 14-18-Oct-2014 in
> Las Vegas.
What was the nature of the objection to reimbursing Dan $375.00 for
paying the J3 domain registration? How was it resolved?
Or should "an objection" at line 104 have been "no objection"?
> I apologize for the lateness of these minutes.
> These J3 minutes were reconstructed from notes graciously provided to
> me by Malcolm Cohen, Bill Long, and Dan Nagle. Any errors or
> omissions in these minutes are my responsibility alone. Please let me
> know if you find any errors or omissions.
> Thanks /Stan
> PS: Dan ? please add this file to the J3 web site folder for m202.
> Thanks
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