(j3.2006) contradiction in CO_REDUCE

Bill Long longb
Thu Jan 16 18:48:46 EST 2014

On Jan 16, 2014, at 5:29 PM, Van Snyder <Van.Snyder at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

> On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 22:16 +0000, John Reid wrote:
>> I can't remember what the reason is. If we require the procedure to be
>> elemental, there is nothing to stop a vendor calling it element by
>> element.
> I think the restriction had something to do with pre-judging whether
> iterating over the array elements happens inside or outside the
> elemental procedure.

That was my assumption - the discussion happened before I joined J3.  In which case, it does matter how the dummy procedure is declared in CO_REDUCE since it affects how the procedure is called if the implementation uses the ?inside? alternative.

As a practical matter, the shape of SOURCE should be known inside CO_REDUCE, so it should be possible to make the call to OPERATOR correctly even if it is declared elemental.   On the other hand, the performance of CO_REDUCE is going to be dominated by the communications activity for all but the most extreme examples of OPERATOR.

Is CO_REDUCE the only intrinsic that has a procedure dummy argument?   If so, and we wanted to change the constraint, we could make it apply to only to calls to non-intrinisc procedures, which reads better than calling out one particular name.


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Bill Long                                                                       longb at cray.com
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