(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5190) J3/14-133 mnutes of J3 meeting #203 - las Vegas - 10-14-Feb-2014

Van Snyder van.snyder
Tue Feb 25 02:34:09 EST 2014

On Mon, 2014-02-24 at 23:10 -0800, Robert Corbett wrote:
> Is the Treasurer's report complete (1.1.11)?
> --------------------------------------------------
> 1.1.11 Treasurer's report - Van Snyder (by e-mail)
>     Opening treasurer's report:
>      Bank balance at end of 202:   $2,627.90
>      no expenses:                       0.00-
>                                    ---------
>      Current bank balance:         $2,252.90
> ----------------------------------------------------
> If it is complete, I do not understand the arithmetic.
> Bob Corbett
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The opening balance of the opening Treasurer's report for meeting 202
was $2,627.90.  Before the meeting, there was a $375.00 debit for domain
registration on 7/23, leaving a balance of $2,252.90, which is reported
in section 1.1.11 of 13-361.

The beginning balance line in 14-132 should be $2252.90, not $2292.90.
The closing balance line of 14-132 is correct.  I'll send 14-132r1 to


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