(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5402) New documents
John Reid
Sun Dec 21 10:27:46 EST 2014
Dear all,
I have just posted these new documents on the ISO server
2036 London 2015 meeting: Local Arrangements (Chivers and Sleightholme)
- supersedes N2018
2037 Public Transport in London (Sleightholme) - supersedes N2019
2038 Result of the WG5 straw ballot on N2033 (Reid)
2042 Fortran Interpretations awaiting WG5 ballot (Whitlock)
2043 WG5 straw ballot 8 on Fortran 2008 interpretations (Reid)
I have set a long deadline for the straw ballot on interpretations (26
January 2015) in the hope that we will have a straw ballot on a revised
TS in the first half of January.
Best wishes,
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