(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5398) [ukfortran] Straw vote on draft DTS
Malcolm Cohen
Thu Dec 11 19:44:10 EST 2014
> On Dec 11 2014, Van Snyder wrote:
>> If the provision in the Introduction that "the semantics and syntax
>> specified by this Technical Specification be included in the next
>> revision of ISO/IEC 1539-1 without change" were removed, or the caveat
Bill Long replies:
Except that Van left out the words coming after ?without change? : ?unless
experience in the implementation and use of this feature identifies errors that
need to be corrected?.
There is more than ample flexibility to ?fix? any actual problems during
integration into F2015.
There is sufficient (*not* "more than ample"!) flexibility. But the schedule
will be blown out of the water if we are going to wait for experience in the
implementation and use of the feature.
Neither the "[likelihood of an] avalanche of interps" nor "delay for another 4
years" options look particularly appealing.
................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.
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