(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5395) Straw vote on draft DTS

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Thu Dec 11 14:48:56 EST 2014

On Thu, 2014-12-11 at 11:26 -0800, Damian Rouson wrote:
> I?ve been for some time touting the failed-image feature set as an
> example of Fortran leading the way in an area that everyone recognizes
> as important at the exascale.  Letting this feature set slip beyond
> Fortran 2015 would likely push Fortran to the back of the pack just as
> more and more users are getting access to coarrays.  We need for their
> early experiences with corrays to be positive and for the path forward
> to appear promising.

I agree with Damian that this is an area with problems that need to be
addressed.  I am concerned that all of the details of all of the
problems inherent in the solution proposed in the TS have not been
discovered and worked out.

If the provision in the Introduction that "the semantics and syntax
specified by this Technical Specification be included in the next
revision of ISO/IEC 1539-1 without change" were removed, or the caveat
"changes are needed to achieve proper integration" were weakened to
allow whatever substantive technical changes are necessary to address
unforeseen problems, I would vote to approve the TS.

Otherwise, I fear it has the potential to require an avalanch of

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