(j3.2006) Disassociated array pointer actual argument corresponding to an optional argument of elemental procedure.

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Tue Dec 9 19:00:40 EST 2014

Hi Daniel,

is the rank of a pointer or allocatable array always known at the compile time 
regardless the association status?

Yes except for assumed-rank, and the user cannot do anything directly with an 
assumed-rank array anyway so no problem.

The shape is the one that is undefined when the pointer is disassociated but is 
used for scalarization in this case. However, shape is a characteristics only if 
it is not a pointer or an allocatable (12.3.3).

Right, but in elementalisation contexts the point of item (6) is to guarantee 
that there is always a "present" (I mean, not absent, disassociated, or 
unallocated) array that we can use to scalarize.  That is, either
(1) there is a nonoptional dummy with an array actual -- this array actual 
cannot be "missing in action" since the nonoptionality forbids absence, 
disassociation, or unallocation;
(2) the only dummies with array actuals are all optional -- then item (6) 
springs into action to require that they are not "missing in action".

Well, that's how it's supposed to work anyway, once we get the wording of (6) 
fixed up (or if we fix it by adding words elsewhere).  This is just another 
integration issue with the "null pointer = absent actual" feature that we 

................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo. 

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