(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5378) Vote on TS
John Reid
Fri Dec 5 08:40:18 EST 2014
> Please answer the following question "Is N2033 ready for forwarding to
> SC22 as the DTS?" in one of these ways.
> 1) Yes.
> 2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
> 3) No, for the following reasons.
> 4) Abstain.
Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
[10:19] Delete "or be the value of a team variable for the initial
Reason. Execution of FORM TEAM is always required.
[10:38], [12:21], [29:34], [34:8], [34:13]. At the end of the sentence
add "since execution last began in this team" (wavy underlined on page
Reason. We need to allow for teams changing during the execution of the
program. At the October meeting, these words were added at [13:5],
[35:26], [35:37], and [36:1].
[13:1] Change "the team" to "team".
Reason. Definite article is wrong here.
[13:5] Remove space before period.
[14:9] Change "detect that an image has stalled" to "manage a stalled
[14:20] After "becomes a stalled image" add ". If the processor does
not have the ability to manage a stalled image, the executing image
becomes a stalled image for the rest of the execution of the program.
If the processor has the ability to manage a stalled image, the
executing image becomes a stalled image"
Reason. I think the intention is to allow implementations not to
support stalled images transferring control to the END TEAM statement.
Stalling will still happen and will need to be permanent.
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