(j3.2006) Did we intend PROTECTED to imply PUBLIC?
Bill Long
Wed Aug 27 15:48:11 EDT 2014
On Aug 27, 2014, at 2:15 PM, Van Snyder <Van.Snyder at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Did we intend PROTECTED to imply PUBLIC?
I don?t recall that ever being proposed.
> It seems pointless to have a private protected variable.
A protected variable can effectively have two identifiers using equivalence. Currently we allow one to be public and the other private.
Perhaps more useful: Suppose X is protected and public in module A, but in module B that uses A we don?t want X to be outwardly visible, so it is made private in B. I don?t see a good reason to prohibit that.
> But the standard doesn't say PROTECTED implies PUBLIC, and at least one
> processor makes it private if the default accessibility is private and
> it's not explicitly public.
One hopes all processors do that.
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