(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5324) Letter ballot response on N2027

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Mon Aug 25 16:01:09 EDT 2014

                                          ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N2028
                       WG5 letter ballot on N2027

                       John Reid, 22 August 2014

This is a WG5 letter ballot on N2027, the fifth draft DTS for 
TS 18508, Additional Parallel Features in Fortran.

N2027 was prepared by the editor, Bill Long, following the 
recent meeting of J3. Details of the changes made from the previous 
draft, N2007, are given in N2029. 

Please answer the following question "Is N2027 ready for forwarding to 
SC22 as the DTS?" in one of these ways. 

1) Yes.
2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.

Most of my comments are editorial, but a few are substantive.  I believe
the substantive ones can be addressed easily.

1. Substantive:

[10:14+] A constraint is apparently needed:

"C507a (R503) A <coselector-name> shall be the name of an accessible

Why is the STAT argument to the new and revised intrinsic procedures a
default integer?  It's not a default integer in ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE,
<sync-stat>, i/o statements....

[22:20 22:38 23:18 24:1 24:28 25:5 28:28 38:29] Replace "a scalar of
type default integer" or "a scalar and of type default integer" with "an
integer scalar".  If it's important to be a default integer, replace "a
scalar of type default integer" or "a scalar and of type default
integer" with "a default integer scalar".

[25:21 29:17 38:19 39:6 39:24] If there is no problem with TEAM
representing the current team, replace "ancestor" with "current or

[35:40-42] Isn't the image that executes the SYNC IMAGES, LOCK, UNLOCK
or EVENT POST statement involved?  If so, replace the sentences with
something like "In addition to the image that executes a SYNC IMAGES
statement, the other images specified in its <image-set> are involved. 
Other than the image that executes a LOCK or UNLOCK statement, the image
on which the referenced lock variable is located is involved.  Other
than the image that executes an EVENT POST statement, the image on which
the referenced event variable is located is involved."

2. Editorial:

2.1. General

The standard usually uses "shall be of type..." instead of "shall be of
the type..."

[10:13 25:20 25:23 27:14 27:32 28:20 29:16 29:27 38:18 39:5 39:23]
Delete "the" before "type"

The standard usually uses "object of type" or "a scalar of type" instead
of "object and of type" or "object and of the type" or "scalar and of
type".  The TS uses both.  Only the former should be used.

[19:6 19:18 19:30 20:9 20:24 20:39 21:14 21:29 22:2 26:7] Delete "and".

[19:10 19:22 21:33 22:6 25:2] Replace "scalar and of type integer" with
"an integer scalar".

[19:37 19:39 19:40 24:41] Replace "scalar and" with "a scalar".

The standard usually uses "default character scalar" instead of "scalar
of type default character".

[22:21 22:39 23:19 24:2 24:29 25:6 28:29 38:30] Replace "scalar of type
default character" with "default character scalar".

Sometimes "image of ... team" is used, sometimes "image in ... team" is
used.  Using "image of ... team" makes one wonder "What is an image of a
team?  I thought we only had images of programs."  Use "image in ...
team" throughout.

[22:16 22:19 22:33 22:36(twice) 22:37 22:40 22:42 23:12 23:16(twice)
23:17 23:31 23:33 23:34 23:36 23:40 23:42(twice) 23:43 24:3 24:5 24:18
24:21(twice) 24:26(twice) 24:27 24:30 24:32 33:2 34:25 34:25]
Replace "of the current" with "in the current".

[32:38 32:39 36:18] Replace "of" with "in".

2.2. Specific

[iv] Introduction paragraph 1, line 2: Delete "a set of".
[iv] paragraph 3, line 5: Delete "sets of".
[5:2] Delete first "the".
[9:4] Replace "have been" with "are" or "are here".
[9:15] Replace "block" with "construct".
[10:30] Delete "the".
[10:40] Delete "the" before "other".
[11:Note 5.3, line 1] Insert "image" after "Each".
[11:Note 5.3, line 6] Append ", ONLY: TEAM_TYPE".
[12:18] Replace "it shall be executed by the same statement" with "the
same statement shall be executed".
[14:4] Replace "are" with "shall be".
[14:Note 5.8, lines 3-4] Replace "may" with "might" because ISO rules do
not allow requirements or permissions in nonnormative text.
[15:13] Replace "INTEGER with KIND of ATOMIC_INT_KIND defined" with
"integer with kind ATOMIC_INT_KIND, where ATOMIC_INT_KIND is a named
constant". (compare with 7.4.1 ATOM argument description).
[15:28] Insert a blank before the left parenthesis.
[15:32] Delete "the" before "execution".
[16:6] Insert a blank before the left parenthesis.
[16:11] Replace "UNTIL_COUNT ... with" with "<scalar-int-expr> if
the UNTIL_COUNT specifier appears and <scalar-int-expr> has".
[17:Note 7.1, line 1] Replace "for" with "with an actual argument that
is" (what does executing a subroutine for an object mean?).
[17:Note 7.2, line 1] Replace "These properties" with "The properties of
atomic subroutines".
[18:Note 7.3, line 1] Replace "in the event ... for" with "if an error
condition occurs during execution of".
[18:Note 7.4, line 1] Replace "collectives" with "collective
[18:Note 7.5, line 1] Replace "procedure" with "subroutine".
[18:Note 7.5, line 2,5,6] Insert "subroutine" after "collective" thrice.
[20:34] Insert "was" before "executed".
[23:40] Replace "implement" with "be".
[25:23] Insert "decimal" before "range".
[25:32-33] Insert a comma after "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE" twice.
[26:5] Replace "and" with "or".
[26:15] Append ", ONLY: TEAM_TYPE".
[26:22] Append ", ONLY: TEAM_TYPE".
[27:14] Insert "decimal" before "range".
[27:24] Replace "image in the set of" with "of the".
[29:4] Insert "of the named constant" before "STAT_-".
[29:11] Replace "such" with "error".
[29:19] Delete "the" before "execution".
[29:22] Replace the comma with a semicolon.
[31:19] Delete "powerful".  Belongs in a sales brochure.
[31:21] Delete "tagged" (the term is not defined anywhere).
[33:5] Insert "being" (with underwave) before "defined".
[33:8] Delete the space between "LOCK_TYPE" and the comma.
[33:18] Insert a comma before "or" twice.
[34:4] Insert "in the current team" after "images".
[34:5] Insert "of the named constant" before "STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE".
[34:10] Insert "named" before "constant".
[34:12] Replace "value of" with "values of the named constants".
[35:28] Insert "of the named constant" before "STAT_FAILED_IMAGE".
[35:32] Insert "value of the named" before "constant".
[35:35] Replace "value of" with "values of the named constants".
[35:39] Delete "argument" (statements don't have arguments).
[37 in the list of new entries for the table in 13.5, for EVENT_QUERY]
Insert "variable" after "event".
[39:9] Replace "scalar of type LOGICAL" with "logical scalar" (compare
MASK argument to ALL in 1539).
[41:11-16] Need subclause numbers.

3) No, for the following reasons.
4) Abstain.

This is an individual vote. Please send your vote to sc22wg5 at open-std.org 
to arrive by 9 a.m. (UK time) on 13 September 2014. 

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