(j3.2006) OpenCoarrays

Toon Moene toon
Thu Aug 21 13:14:08 EDT 2014

On 08/21/2014 05:45 PM, Dan Nagle wrote:

> Hi,
> Announcement
> The work of Alessandro Fanfarillo (mostly library) and Tobias Burnus
> (mostly compiler) has resulted in a library implementing the transport
> layer for the GCC 4.10 (now known as GCC 5.0) compiler.

Thanks, Dan, for this clear announcement.

Kind regards,

Toon Moene - e-mail: toon at moene.org - phone: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
At home: http://moene.org/~toon/; weather: http://moene.org/~hirlam/
Progress of GNU Fortran: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortran#news

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