(j3.2006) free source form continuations

Bill Long longb
Sun Aug 10 11:50:01 EDT 2014

On Aug 9, 2014, at 2:20 AM, Robert Corbett <robert.corbett at oracle.com> wrote:

> A user recently asserted that code such as
> is standard conforming and that Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran incorrectly 
> rejects it.  Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran treats the first two lines as 
> equivalent to
> and rejects the code because there is no space between the two intended tokens 
> as required by Subclause paragraph 2.  The user asserts that the tokens 
> PROGRAM and MAIN are distinct tokens because the second line does not start with 
> an "&" as required by Subclause paragraph 3.

I don?t agree with your user.  If he wants the required blank, he should start the second line with a space character, or insert one before the & in the first line.  If the & on line 1 were to somehow imply insertion of a space character, then the programs that use this sort of continuation to continue extra-long variable names across lines would suddenly not work.  (The Cray compiler also gives a error for this example.)


> Do the rules for free source form continuation cover such code?  If so, what is 
> the intended interpretation?
> Bob Corbett
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Bill Long                                                                       longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Suport  &                                  voice:  651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development                     fax:  651-605-9142
Cray Inc./ Cray Plaza, Suite 210/ 380 Jackson St./ St. Paul, MN 55101

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