(j3.2006) Fwd: JTC 1 N 12032 - Communication from JTC 1 Chair and Secretariat Concerning WG Participation - What Having Experts, Not NB Delegations to the WG, Means to You

Dan Nagle danlnagle
Tue Apr 22 15:22:10 EDT 2014


Van and I tried to investigate having IEEE/SA as the secretariate
for J3.

The contract between INCITS and ANSI gives INCITS right of first refusal,
which they will exercise no matter how little they care for J3.

On Apr 22, 2014, at 12:55 , Keith Bierman <khbkhb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Perhaps it is worth some rethinking where Fortran sits. The IEEE rules used to make a lot more sense. IEEE membership isn't cheap, but at least it has some potentially useful benefits outside of the Standards process itself.
> Obviously, the Corporate members would need to ensure that it satisfies their concerns about anti-trust exemptions, etc.  But given the large number of active IEEE Standards, it seems likely that it is simply a pro forma exercise.
> Keith Bierman
> khbkhb at gmail.com
> kbiermank AIM
> 303 997 2749
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Dan Nagle

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