(j3.2006) JTC 1 N 12032 - Communication from JTC 1 Chair and Secretariat Concerning WG Participation - What Having Experts, Not NB Delegations to the WG, Means to You
Dan Nagle
Mon Apr 21 16:18:07 EDT 2014
PL22.3 is not an SC nor is it a WG.
So my take is that it doesn?t apply to us.
It?s far above our pay grade.
On Apr 21, 2014, at 13:52 , Bill Long <longb at cray.com> wrote:
> Hi Dan, John,
> I?m not sure what this means:
> "it was noted that WG experts now have access to WG level documents in Livelink. "
> partly because I have never heard of ?Livelink?. I Googled it, and found a product that was supported on these platforms: SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft. All three of which are completely irrelevant as far as I?m concerned, and entirely unacceptable in a standards participation context. Hopefully INCITS concept of ?Livelink? has nothing to do with this product. But, then, What is it?
> According to the memo, JTC 1 is now requiring that WG?s use LiveLink, and INCITS is agreeing:
> The INCITS Secretariat will echo the ISO and JTC 1 leadership's notification that WGs establish/use document registers in Livelink to provide WG experts with access to WG documents.
> Seems very confusing and worrisome.
> Cheers,
> Bill
> Begin forwarded message:
> Bill Long longb at cray.com
> Fortran Technical Suport & voice: 651-605-9024
> Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9142
> Cray Inc./ Cray Plaza, Suite 210/ 380 Jackson St./ St. Paul, MN 55101
> <eb-2014-00232-JTC1N12032-WG-Use-of-Livelink.pdf>
Dan Nagle
dnagle at ucar.edu
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