(j3.2006) C1293 and the VALUE attribute

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Wed Apr 2 15:56:07 EDT 2014

C1293 [316:7-19] says

"In a pure subprogram any designator with a base object that is in
common or accessed by host or use association, is a dummy argument of a
pure function, is a dummy argument with the INTENT (IN) attribute, is a
coindexed object, or an object that is storage associated with any such
variable, shall not be used
 (1) in a variable definition context (16.6.7),
 (2) as the data-target in a pointer-assignment-stmt ,
 (3) as the expr corresponding to a component with the POINTER attribute
in a structure-constructor ,
 (4) as the expr of an intrinsic assignment statement in which the
variable is of a derived type if the
 derived type has a pointer component at any level of component
 (5) as the source-expr in a SOURCE= clause if the designator is of a
derived type that has an ultimate
 pointer component, or
 (6) as an actual argument corresponding to a dummy argument with INTENT
 (INOUT) or with the POINTER attribute.

C1282 [315:30-31] says

"The specification-part of a pure function subprogram shall specify that
all its nonpointer dummy data objects have the INTENT (IN) or the VALUE

There's no constraint that says a dummy argument of a pure function
cannot have the TARGET attribute, but C1293(2) effectively makes that
combination pointless.  Did we really intend that a dummy argument of a
pure function cannot be the data-target in a pointer-assignment-stmt if
it has the VALUE and TARGET attributes?  None of the other items in the
list in C1293 appear to make sense for a dummy argument of a pure
function that has the VALUE attribute.  If none of them make sense, we
could delete "is a dummy argument of a pure function" from C1293,
relying instead on "is a dummy argument with the INTENT(IN) attribute"
or just "has the INTENT(IN) attribute" since nothing but dummy arguments
can have the INTENT(IN) attribute.

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