(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4940) AW: WG5 ballot on first draft TS 18508, Additional Parallel Features in Fortran (Update)

Bader, Reinhold Reinhold.Bader
Fri Mar 29 06:49:39 EDT 2013

Hello all, 

Here an update to the comments I have on the Coarray TS draft. The following additions were done: 

* Section (B.4) on indexing of parent-team inherited coarrays was considerably extended, and now also includes a suggestion 
  for solving the observed problems,
* Section (F) on the interaction of partial synchronization statements and teams was added (relevant if the big barrier on 
   CHANGE TEAM is gotten rid of). 

John: May I ask you to use this file (instead of the one I sent previously) for inclusion in the WG5 N19?? result document? Thanks.

Best regards

> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-sc22wg5 at open-std.org [mailto:owner-sc22wg5 at open-std.org] Im
> Auftrag von Bader, Reinhold
> Gesendet: Freitag, 15. M?rz 2013 18:58
> An: WG5
> Betreff: (SC22WG5.4937) WG5 ballot on first draft TS 18508, Additional Parallel
> Features in Fortran
> My answer to the question
> "Is N1967 ready for forwarding to
> SC22 as the DTS?" is
> 3) No, for the following reasons:
> There are a number of design problems that must be fixed. These impact
> internal consistency, usability, as well as performance of programs that
> use the new features described in the TS.
> The attached text file elaborates on the above.
> Best regards
> Reinhold
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