(j3.2006) Question about LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE

Bill Long longb
Fri Mar 22 16:28:08 EDT 2013

On 3/22/13 3:17 PM, Van Snyder wrote:
> In Clause 6 of TS 18508, variables of type(EVENT_TYPE) and
> type(LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE) are required to be coarrays.  In the EVENT WAIT
> statement, C605 prohibits an <event-variable> of type(LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE)

Right. This forces "local waiting only" which allows a much simpler and 
more efficient implementation.  And probably the most common use case.

> to be coindexed.  Why is it required to be a coarray if it can't be

You want a coarray because the posters would be on other images.  The 
event system would be pretty uninteresting if the poster and waiter have 
to be on the same image.

> coindexed?  Why isn't it prohibited to be coindexed in an EVENT POST
> statement, or an ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE statement?

C644 - allocate/deallocate  disallows  coindexed for any coarray.


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Bill Long                                           longb at cray.com
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