(j3.2006) Protected types

Bill Long longb
Sun Mar 10 01:49:10 EST 2013

On 3/8/13 10:29 PM, Van Snyder wrote:

> In Fortran 2008, we introduced LOCK_TYPE, and prohibited it from
> appearing in variable definition contexts.  TS 18508 introduces
> LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE and TEAM_TYPE, and prohibits them from appearing in
> variable definition contexts.  These are essentially limited (or
> protected) types.

Variables of these types are prohibited from *some* variable definition 
contexts, but not all.  Clearly the lock variable in a LOCK statement 
appears in a variable definition context.

> Why can't we do the same for user-defined types?

The only request from the user community I've seen in this area is to 
allow the PROTECTED attribute on a component of a type.  Reference of 
the component is allowed anywhere the parent is accessible, but 
definition of the component is restricted to a module procedure in the 
module where the variable is declared.   If I recall, this has been 
proposed before, but never made the cut.


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Bill Long                                           longb at cray.com
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