(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4890) Vote on Corrigendum 2
Bill Long
Wed Jan 9 16:26:47 EST 2013
Please answer the following question "Is N1948, with the references and
notes removed, acceptable for submission to SC22 for publication as
Corrigendum 2 for Fortran 2008?" in one of these ways.
1) Yes.
2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
3) No, for the following reasons.
4) Abstain.
I vote 2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
In the instructions for the change to Subclause 15.3.4, I would prefer
to change "before C1505 add" to "after constraint C1504 insert" so
that it matches the style of similar instructions earlier in the
Other comments (not change requests):
In Subclause 1.6.2, the list of changes between f2003 and f2008 is
presented as sequence of paragraphs. Similar lists for the other,
similar subclauses are \bullet lists. This seems stylistically
inconsistent. {This is a comment only on the style, not on the words
in the new text for the standard. Style of the standard text is easily
"fixed" later when this is incorporated into f201x.}
In Subclause, the new constraint disallows type parameters in
a sequence type. Do we still need the "no type parameters"
requirements in the subsequent text at [62:23] and [63:1]? {This is a
question about the completeness of the edits from the interp. Perhaps
addressed as editorial issues later.}
Bill Long longb at cray.com
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Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9142
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