(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.4923) Looking for feedback: ISO draft template

John Reid John.Reid
Fri Feb 22 03:43:58 EST 2013


I have just submitted this comment on behalf of SC22/WG5.

The Fortran Standard (ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010) is a large document of 603 
pages plus 18 pages of front material. It is written in Latex, which 
supports the automatic numbering of clauses, subclauses, and notes, and 
the automatic creation of the index, the contents list, references, hot 
links, and bookmarks. This works well and it would be a huge effort to 
switch to another system. I wish you well with your work on improving 
the ISO Template, but request that we should not be required to use it. 
Most ISO Standards are much shorter than ours and have quite different 

John Reid, Convener, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5


Lisa Rajchel wrote:
> Hi Everyone, Please see the following message from ITTF. Please provide
> your input by the end of February. thanks Lisa
> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Dear Lisa, You recently indicated that some JTC 1 members, experts
> and/or project editors had heard about the project to revise the ISO
> template and were eager to comment. I passed on your request to
> colleagues working on this project. You will recall that our initial
> guidance was that all relevant parties would be notified of the
> initiative and invited to provide their inputs in subsequent rounds of
> comment gathering. Since then, I have been informed the current round of
> comment gathering can be made available to any interested party. - All
> information concerning this project can be found on ISO Connect
> (http://connect.iso.org) and I have attached the relevant section for
> convenience. - Comments are to be submitted using the comment feature on
> ISO Connect. Interested parties who already have a Global Directory ID
> and password can use this to access the page and comment. Interested
> parties without a Global Directory ID are asked to request one from the
> ISO helpdesk (helpdesk at iso.org). - Comments submitted by the end of
> February will be collected as part of a review process taking place
> early March. However, the page will stay up and there will be more
> opportunities to submit comments after February. Please feel free to
> pass this on to those interested in JTC 1. Many thanks, Henry
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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