(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5172) Draft result of ballot on Corrigendum 3

John Reid John.Reid
Tue Dec 24 11:03:55 EST 2013


Here is a second draft result of the ballot on Corrigendum 3.

I have added David's vote (overlooked in first version) and Malcolm has 
asked to change his vote (to accord with his recent emails). After 
consulting the Editorial group, my conclusion is that the corrigendum be 
accepted after Malcolm's changes have been included. This has 8 yes 
votes and one no vote.

David, please will you make these changes and look at the minor changes 
that people have suggested?

Happy Christmas,

-------------- next part --------------
                                       ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N2001-2

         Result of the WG5 letter ballot on draft Corrigendum 3

                         John Reid

N1998 asked this question

Please answer the following question "Is N1995, with the references and 
notes removed, acceptable for submission to SC22 for publication as
Corrigendum 3 for Fortran 2008?" in one of these ways. 

1) Yes.
2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes. 
3) No, for the following reasons.
4) Abstain.

Email discussion led to the conclusion that the edits in F08/0086 were 
flawed. A revised version was prepared by Malcolm Cohen and is appended
to this paper. All votes referenced this paper.

The numbers of answers in each category were:
1 for 1) Yes (Corbett). 
1 for 2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes (Snyder)
7 for 3) No, for the following reasons (Bader, Cohen, Long, Moene, 
         Muxworthy, Reid, Whitlock)
0 for 4) Abstain 

The ballot has failed, but six of those who voted "No" said they would
change their vote to "Yes" if the corrigendum is revised to accord with 
the edits in Malcolm's paper, or words to this effect. I have consulted
the editorial subgroup, who recommend that the Corrigendum be accepted
after Malcolm's changes have been made. This has the approval of 8 of 
the 9 people voting. I will ask David to make these changes and the
minor changes requested in the vote. After the editorial group has 
checked the revised corrigendum, I will send it to SC22 for publication. 

Here are the responses in detail:

Reinhold Bader

I vote yes, provided the corrections for F08/0086 detailed in the latest 
version of mjc002.txt are applied.


Malcolm Cohen

Yes, provided the edits for f08/f0086 from N1987 are replaced by those 
from mjc002.txt distributed on 13 December.


Robert Corbett

My vote is 1) yes.

The edits for implied-shape arrays, even as modified,
are at best complicated and confusing.  My complaint
is with the edits not with the corresponding
interpretation, which I think is correct.  I accept
that the latest proposed edits are probably the best
we shall get for the Corrigendum.  I hope we can do
better in the next revision of the standard.

As I pointed out in my ballots on the interpretations,
the same conditions that led to Subclause 7.1.11 apply
not only to the function PRESENT, but also to

I continue to disagree with the edits proposed for
Subclause 14.3, but I accept that I lost the vote in
committee and on the subsequent ballots.


Bill Long

Minor typos in the citations:  [24:14] should be [24:13];  [24:15] 
should be [24:15-16].

Typo in the actual official text:  In the instruction line for the edit 
at [459:17+] remove the space between "2.3.5" and ")".

Reason for No vote:

I agree with Malcolm's original comment that Interp f08/0086 should be 
failed and restarted. I'm not happy with the proposed last-minute text 
file of changes for these reasons:

1) A main reason for having a vote like this is to agree (or not) on the 
exact form of the PDF file form of the Corrigendum - this is basically 
an "FCD" vote.  That purpose is subverted here because the proposers of 
this path have not supplied the PDF form of their replacements.

2) Another goal of a final vote like this is to reflect on whether we 
have made a technical mistake.  The complexity of the changes proposed 
for f08/0086, and the problems getting them "right" convince me that we 
chose the wrong answer for the interp.  The alternate answer would 
result in a trivial, single edit in the standard, and  would prohibit 
only code like that in the interp example that is confusing at best and 
would never be allowed by any reasonable coding style guide.   The place 
to have this discussion is in the process of restarting the interp.

I would change my vote to YES if the minor corrections above are made 
and the edits for f08/0086 are deleted.


Toon Moene

My vote is yes, after Malcolm's revised edits for F08/0086 are included.

David Muxworthy

2) Yes, provided the edits for f08/f0086 from N1987 are replaced by those
from mjc002.txt distributed on 13 December.


John Reid

3) No, for the following reasons.

F08/0086 should be revised to the new version from Malcolm Cohen that
is attached.

I will change my vote to yes if the corrigendum is changed accordingly 
or if the edits from F08/0086 are removed.


Van Snyder

Yes, but:

In the edit for [94:10] the "i" in "implied-shape-spec" should be italic
instead of upright.

[96:28] says "The rank of an implied-shape array is the number of
<implied-shape-spec>s in the <implied-shape-spec-list>."  The syntax
term <implied-shape-spec-list> no longer exists.  This sentence is not
changed by the corrigendum or interp f08/0086.  The sentence needs to be
changed to something like "The rank of an implied-shape array is the
number of asterisks in the <implied-shape-spec>".  If this needs to go
back through the interp process, my vote must unfortunately be "no".

The edit for [158:19-20] only applies to [158:19].  This doesn't matter
for the ISO-published corrigendum, which doesn't have [page:line]

(Later) I approve the revised interpretation.


Stan Whitlock

I vote Yes, provided the edits for f08/f0086 from N1987 are replaced by 
those from mjc002.txt distributed on 13 December.


NUMBER: F08/0086
TITLE:  Implied-shape and separate PARAMETER statement
STATUS: Unknown


Q1.  Consider

  Program test1
    Character(*) a,b(*)
    Dimension c(*)
    Parameter (a='123', b=['1','2','3'])
    Character(*),Parameter :: c = [ '44','55','66' ]
    Print *,a,b,c

The definition of the assumed-length character named constant A
conforms to Fortran 77 to Fortran 2008.  However, the definition of
the implied-shape named constant B appears not to conform to Fortran
2008, as the standard says in 5.4.11p2
  "A named array constant defined by a PARAMETER statement shall have
   its shape specified in a prior specification statement."
On the other hand, the named constant C does not have such a
requirement, so its definition would appear to be conforming.

This apparent requirement on the named constant B would thus appear to
be inconsistent with those on the named constant C, as well as
inconsistent with the way that assumed length works, and with the
general principle of allowing attributes to be specified either in a
single type declaration statement or with separate specification

Is the program intended to conform to the Fortran standard?

Q2. Consider

  Subroutine test2(a)
    Real,Dimension(*) :: a,c
    Parameter (c = [ 45.6 ])
    a(:size(c)) = c
  End Subroutine

The <array-spec> in the type declaration statement is ambiguous; if it
is an <implied-shape-spec> then the declaration of A as an
assumed-size array is erroneous, but if it is an <assumed-size-spec>
then the declaration of C as an implied-shape array is erroneous.

Is this program-unit intended to be standard-conforming?


A1. Yes, the program was intended to conform to the Fortran standard.
    An edit is provided to modify the requirement for prior
    specification so as to allow this case.

A2. Yes, the program is intended to conform to the Fortran standard.
    An edit is provided to add syntax to permit this unambiguously.

EDITS to 10-007r1:

[94:10], R515,
        Change "<implied-shape-spec-list>" to "<implied-shape-spec>".
{This will be the unambiguous implied-shape syntax.}

[94:10+] Insert new production
         "<<or>> <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec>".
{This will be the otherwise-ambiguous syntax.}

  Replace sentence
    "An assumed-size array is declared with an <assumed-size-spec>."
    "A dummy argument is declared to be an assumed-size array by an
     <assumed-size-spec> or an <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec>."
{Now two ways of declaring assumed size.}

[95:33-] Insert new BNF term
  "R520a <assumed-implied-spec> <<is>>  [ <lower-bound> : ] *"

[95:33] R521 <assumed-size-spec>, after "<<is>>"
  Replace entire RHS
    "[ <explicit-shape-spec>, ]... [ <lower-bound> : ] *"
    "<explicit-shape-spec-list>, <assumed-implied-spec>"
{The unambiguous case has a list of <explicit-shape-spec>s.}

[95:37+] Insert new BNF rules and constraint
  "R521a <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec> <<is>>

   C534a An object whose array bounds are specified by an
         <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec> shall be a dummy data
         object or a named constant."
{The otherwise-ambiguous case.  Note careful wording.}

  Replace sentence
    "An implied-shape array is declared... <implied-shape-spec-list>."
    "A named constant is declared to be an implied-shape array with an
     <array-spec> that is an <implied-shape-or-assumed-size-spec> or
     an <implied-shape-spec>."
{Now two ways of declaring implied shape.}

[96:26] R522,
  Replace right-hand-side (after "<<is>>")
    "[ <lower-bound> : ] *"
    "<assumed-implied-spec>, <assumed-implied-spec-list>".
{This is now the unambiguously implied-shape spec.}

[96:28] p2,
  Change "<implied-shape-spec>s" -> "<assumed-implied-spec>s"
  and    "the <implied-shape-spec-list>" -> "its <array-spec>",
  making the entire paragraph read:
    "The rank of an implied-shape array is the number of
     <assumed-implied-spec>s in its <array-spec>."
{Change rank determination to accord with new syntax term.}

[107:11] 5.4.11p1 "shape" -> "rank".
{In the PARAMETER statement, only require the rank to be specified in
 a prior specification statement.}

NOTE for future investigation:

  The current wording of C533 is slightly defective, as it does not
  clearly prohibit "REAL,DIMENSION(*) :: dummy,nondummy", seeing as
  how that does indeed declare "the array bounds of a dummy data
  object".  C533 should probably be reworded similarly to C534a.


HISTORY: 12-191    m199  F08/0086 submitted - revised by Malcolm
                          Cohen - passed by J3 meeting
         13-237    m200  Failed letter ballot
         13-235    m200  Revised with straw votes
         13-235r1  m200  Passed by J3 meeting
         13-262    m201  Passed as amended by J3 letter ballot #28
         N1990     m202  Passed by WG5 ballot N1988/n1987
         something ????  Revised edits from draft corrigendum ballot


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