(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5169) [ukfortran] [ Draft corrigendum 3]
N.M. Maclaren
Mon Dec 23 16:34:58 EST 2013
On Dec 23 2013, Van Snyder wrote:
>In the 1970's and 1980's, Caine, Farber and Gordon were selling a
>structured Fortran preprocessor called S-Fortran. When Fortran 90 was
>finally available, there wasn't much use for it (or Ratfor or SFtran or
>any of the others). But... they also sold a product called the
>Structuring Engine, that would turn "spaghetti code" into S-Fortran.
>Unfortunately, that went away also.
>Are there still any structuring engines available?
Some colleagues of mine have a Haskell program that will turn some
GOTO spaghetti into IF-THEN-ELSE and loops. There are some others
around, but few are more than research projects.
Nick Maclaren.
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