(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5142) [ukfortran] From WG9 minutes

N.M. Maclaren nmm1
Tue Dec 10 04:35:22 EST 2013

On Dec 10 2013, Van Snyder wrote:

>From Canada's national body report to the WG9 (Ada) meeting in
>Pittsburgh Friday 15 November 2013:
>        In Canada's previous national body report to WG9, it was
>        proposed that Canada would initiate a request to SC22 at its
>        September plenary to form a study group to determine the
>        feasibility of creating a parallelism model that could be shared
>        between programming languages. Such a model ideally would allow
>        for optimal use of the system processing resources and avoid
>        over-subscription of parallelism.
>        The request was made at the plenary, but SC22 declined to create
>        such a study group, and instead encouraged other languages to
>        participate in CPLEX.

As I have said before, I don't think that it is a feasible objective,
as there are several fundamentally different models involved, but I do
agree that studying the issue is a good idea.  Can anyone Email me a
link to the CPLEX referred to here, as a simple search gets a lot of
false positives?

In particular, I believe that WG5 should at least keep in touch with
initiatives on SIMD and tasking models (message-passing is already
covered).  Fortran is ahead of the pack on the former, and it would be
a good idea to maintain that position!  And at least some simple forms
of the latter would be easy - which is not to say that they should be

Nick Maclaren.

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