(j3.2006) Meeting schedule

Tom Clune Thomas.L.Clune
Fri Dec 6 20:50:54 EST 2013

Probably not a firing offense for civil servants at other centers, as it is so hard to fire a CS.  But it would have rather unpleasant consequences.   There may be fates worse than firing.  

The good news is that the expectations are that the travel issues will be a bit more rational this year.  But it will still be worse than things were even 3 years ago before the mandatory travel budget reductions and the GSA scandal.  I'm told it will be easier to predict what travel will be permitted and the approvals will be in a timely fashion.  Might be Goddard specific statement though.

On Dec 6, 2013, at 8:41 PM, Van Snyder <Van.Snyder at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

> On Fri, 2013-12-06 at 15:12 -0600, Bill Long wrote:
>> I went anyway.  Later I offered the 
>> director the option of paying for the trip for making me swallow the 
>> whole cost and having that known to the rest of his group.  He paid. 
> If I had done that, and my boss had paid it, it would have been a firing
> offense at JPL, probably for both of us.   Maybe it's the same way
> throughout NASA.
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Thomas Clune, Ph. D. 					<Thomas.L.Clune at nasa.gov>
Chief, Software Systems Support Office		Code 610.3
NASA GSFC								301-286-4635
MS 610.8 B33-C128						<http://ssso.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Greenbelt, MD 20771

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