(j3.2006) Meeting schedule

Tom Clune Thomas.L.Clune
Wed Dec 4 16:13:21 EST 2013


Is this still a problem at JPL?   This year I was easily able to apply FY13 money for a trip in October.  Seems that 1-2 months into the next year were considered "ok".

Granted the shutdown meant that I did not _actually_ travel on the FY13 dollars, but the presumption is that it would have otherwise happened.   I'd have thought things were looser if anything at JPL.


- Tom

On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:54 PM, Van Snyder <Van.Snyder at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

> That we have a meeting during the week of the second Monday in October
> has proven to be a problem for me.  It might be or become a similar
> problem for delegates from Sandia or Los Alamos, or other Federal
> contractors.
> The Federal Government fiscal year ends on 30 September.
> In many years, I have difficulty getting funding for the next fiscal
> year to start when the fiscal year does.  For example, this year, I had
> no funding to attend meeting 202.
> Can we change the fall meeting to the week of the third Monday in
> September?  If we insist on being symmetric, we could change the entire
> schedule to the weeks of the third Mondays in January, May, and
> September.
> It's already past November, and I still don't have any funding for
> Fortran work.  So changing the meeting to November probably wouldn't
> help me.  I just last week got a letter inviting me to submit a request.
> I hope to have funds in hand by February.
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Thomas Clune, Ph. D. 					<Thomas.L.Clune at nasa.gov>
Chief, Software Systems Support Office		Code 610.3
NASA GSFC								301-286-4635
MS 610.8 B33-C128						<http://ssso.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Greenbelt, MD 20771

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