(j3.2006) Meeting schedule

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Wed Dec 4 15:54:24 EST 2013

That we have a meeting during the week of the second Monday in October
has proven to be a problem for me.  It might be or become a similar
problem for delegates from Sandia or Los Alamos, or other Federal

The Federal Government fiscal year ends on 30 September.

In many years, I have difficulty getting funding for the next fiscal
year to start when the fiscal year does.  For example, this year, I had
no funding to attend meeting 202.

Can we change the fall meeting to the week of the third Monday in
September?  If we insist on being symmetric, we could change the entire
schedule to the weeks of the third Mondays in January, May, and

It's already past November, and I still don't have any funding for
Fortran work.  So changing the meeting to November probably wouldn't
help me.  I just last week got a letter inviting me to submit a request.
I hope to have funds in hand by February.

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