(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5125) [ukfortran] [ Draft corrigendum 3]
Malcolm Cohen
Wed Dec 4 01:27:09 EST 2013
I wrote:
> Please answer the following question "Is N1995, with the references and
> notes removed, acceptable for submission to SC22 for publication as
> Corrigendum 3 for Fortran 2008?" in one of these ways.
> 3) No, for the following reasons.
> The edits for F08/0086 do not work. This interp must be failed and restarted,
> and the corrigendum must be altered to remove it.
Bill Long replied:
>I'm happy with this comment. But what is the larger plan?
>1) The rest of the Corrigendum is OK and your vote changes to YES if the
>F08/0086 edits are removed and we move forward with what remains, or
I have not checked the rest of the corrigendum yet...
>2) Fixing the problem raised by F08/0086 is sufficiently important to
>put the Corrigendum on hold until it is repaired and put up for another
>vote, considering that this is the final Corrigendum for F2008.
If we follow the normal "back to square one" procedure, that is a delay until
April at the most wildly optimistic (February meeting + J3 letter ballot + WG5
letter ballot).
Here is a third alternative:
3) New corrected edits are unanimously agreed by WG5 and J3
during the Corrigendum ballot. A single "No" vote should definitely
send this interp back to stage one (but not the rest of the corrigendum).
I attach a corrected interp, the differences are:
(i) New syntax term "<assumed-implied-spec>" (I did not like my own suggestion
of "<star-bounds>"). "assumed-implied" rather than "implied-assumed" because
assumed-size arrays are described first.
(ii) I "improved" the edit for [95:33] cosmetically, as well as using the new
syntax term.
(iii) Used the new syntax term in R522, twice.
(iv) New edit for [96:28] to use the new syntax term in the rank determination.
(v) Removed NOTE (1) and reformatted the remainder.
I think this is right this time, but who knows?
If anyone is unconvinced that this is right, or is uncomfortable with the idea
of such a radical last-minute fix, we should send this back though the system to
get a more leisurely review.
................................Malcolm Cohen, Nihon NAG, Tokyo.
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